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Chicks with Swords - Minotaur Lords character Art

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BORAXMAN polycounter lvl 18
Finally got FTP to work to get these images up. I did the illustration work for the following 5 characters. The last one turned out kinda shitty looking...they messed up the rez... but oh well. And they painted in some silly looking legs that were not in my original piece. But the others I'm quite happy with! Enjoy...

Just in time for Christmas, THE BORAXMAN returns with his first post on the spiffy new boards! I've been lurky checkin' up on ya'll since the old boards crashed, but been too busy to jump in and post, what with Half-Life 2 out and all...

Anyways, a freelance gig I did just over one year ago has finally come to fuition, so I'm here to pimp the hell outta it. Head over to Fantasy Flight Games to check out <font color="yellow"> Minotaur Lords </font> ! It's a board/card game designed by Reiner Knizia (if any of you have played Carcassone or Carcassone:Castle specially, then you know him).

I've got 5 character cards that appear in the card several times each, and I'm quite happy with how they printed out. I'll post some better, high-res pics when I get the chance to scan 'em, but for now, these crappy links below will have to do.

two of my cards are in this picture
-middle row, furthest on the right, "Madok the Savage"
-bottom row, 3rd card in, "Haramin the Wise"

My card is top on the deck—only card shown

I know these pics such donkey balls, but they'll work for now. I'll slap some high-res scans in 'tor. It looks like a quality game, so I hope it catches on like its predecessor, Scarab Lords.

TOR, guys/gals, Happy Holidays to All, and Happy New Year! I hope to be posting more stuff after I get back from my company's one-week winter break! crazy.gif


  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    Congradulations. The art looks really good.

    My wife and I play Carcassone and really like it. What's the gameplay like for this one? Is it fun? smile.gif
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    BORAXMAN polycounter lvl 18
    Updated this Thread with the actual pieces of art... sorry it took so long.

    \\EDIT:\\Not sure about the gameplay yet--my wife and I haven't gotten around to trying it yet. Looks kinda like Magic with a small "gameboard"/"scoreboard". Glad to hear from a Carcassonne fan! wink.gif

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    very nice art!!

    but just looking at the front page makes me instantly think of MTG play system... ill look more into it later though.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    awesome dude! its good to see some art from ya again smile.gif

    ill honestly say i dont care for the pieces with the aliased black lines... kinda fugly imo.

    The first, and the saccrificing druid fools one look tits, as well as the card in the photo.

    kickass! smile.gif
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    BORAXMAN polycounter lvl 18
    Yo, moose! Thanks, dawg--good to hear from ya. Hopefully I'll have some 3D low-poly / texture work to show here in the next few days. Eh, who am I kidding... let's try in a few WEEKS. heh

    I hear ya on the aliased black lines. :BARF: This was another thing they effed up AFTER I handed them over for production... I assure you, my original lines were smooth as a baby's backside. wink.gif

    Gir! (doom doom doom dooom doooooom doom doom...) Thanks for the comment. I'm not familiar with "MTG", my bad if it's obvious... I should probably know it... but clue me in if ya get a chance. Thanx
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    Schmidt! just got your e-mail.. Nice stuff.

    I like the sacrifice pic alot. Very soft and good lighting.

    The "Anti-anti-aliased" black lines they added Blarg!!. Maybe they dont show up so much when they are printed out.
    So happy for you getting this out! Good seein you again in BGSU over X-mas time.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    MTG = Magic: The Gathering.
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    BORAXMAN polycounter lvl 18
    MTG!! DUH. I'm a freakin' mo-ron. :ashamed: blush.gif

    Swampy~ It was great to see you as well over break. It was just like old times. I'll have to visit the BIG V. soon! smile.gif As for the nasty lines, it doesn't look so bad on the playing card, so that's cool. I'd say they all look pretty effin' nifty on the cards, except for the Snake Bitch... I'm just kinda razzed-off with how they added those terrible looking legs... lol

    Anyways, I should have some 3D shit up here in the next few weeks. Workin' on the skin right now for that dude I wuz showin' ya. It's coming along well--I'm quite excited to be workin' on a character again!

  • Mark Dygert
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    These look awsome, I love how you are consistant with the style and coloring. The first one without a doubt is my favorite. The two contrasting light sources you have going on in most of them really works well.

    The only crit I have is this, change the thickness of your line when outlining in black. Don't feel like you have to outline everything with the same thickness of line. Even if that is the style you are going for, it might help to varry it a bit or even blur it in. It looks like you did the black lines on a seperate layer, this is the way I do it, but after I get the black line in I go in and erase parts of it. I did a quick paintover to show you what I mean.


    As fabric folds go over something round like a leg, the fold shadow should grow thinner on the roundest part. Also when fabic transitions from flat to fold the shadow should blur a bit and be faint as the fold starts. it also looks like you used a hard brush to do the black lines, I would suggest using a feathered bush to start, or use a feathered bush to erase. Hope that helps. You really did a sweet job and they look great! cheers!

    EDIT* I really should read the entire thread before posting and wasting my time... It would be great to see it without the black lines, if we could. Someone needs to smack a production assistant around for using msPAINt on your nice work >(
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    BORAXMAN polycounter lvl 18

    You didn't waste your time. smile.gif The paintover looks nice, and I've added it to my collection. heh I, too, am all about line thickness variation to enhance form... but they wanted just straight, fat lines, so that's what they got! smile.gif

    Thanks for taking the time to paint-over that image tho, I take it as a compliment that you found it worth your time to do so. smile.gif
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