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SPIKE TV VGA's...what a crock (of course)

polycounter lvl 18
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mrrogers polycounter lvl 18
SO, I sat and watched that sad excuse for a video game show hoping that it would be better then last year's joke and it wasn't any better. Just one long commercial for EA Games and Mountain Dew. How sad that Vin Diesel was the only person in the entire show to thank a named development studio, Starbreeze, for their work. God I hate the f'ing world. When the guy from Criterion was up to accept the award for Burnout 3, the stupid LA Dj, Stryker, hogged up the mike.




  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Yah dude, total BS. It's not any sort of award show at all. Didn't even give it my attention due to last years disappointment.

    Snoop Dogg? What the hell...
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    Drop it like its hot.

    i saw some of the last years show... considering I don't have tech tv or g4, is it all 1 channel now btw? anyways it looked dumb as hell, had absolutely nothing to do with video games had a bunch of "hot chicks" and rappers and other fake ass lamers, not that hot chicks are bad, but its a video game award show, those bitches look good but they have absolutely nothing to do with those games and their development. FUCKING LAME.

    well what can I say... the world is fucked, gamedevelopers are just a bunch of naive giddy geek hos who sell out to whoever pays the most... the industry is just a fucked up business where the people who do the real work don't get any respect or financial compensation (most of the time)... ever notice how id, epic or blizzard don't even get on the charts for these kind of things? its usually the big name companies ea, midway, rockstar and all those studios owned by microsoft... true they pump out a shitload of games and the games are not bad, but u know... I notice how doom 3 is not even there, neither is world of warcraft, (might be cuz its new)

    I could go on, but yeah... video game awards thing is just a bunch of fake ass actors and musicians and other tv lamjos and big name companies advertizing their shit so they could make more money, the awards are just based on selling numbers and bought off magazine reviews... what can I say... the world is lame, but thats just how it is.
  • BOB|3D
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    BOB|3D polycounter lvl 18
    I'll agree that it was a total EA & Mountain Dew infomercial, sadly that's the future of television. With the increased cost of television production and tivo scratching away at the market, product integration is a sad future for television. I CANNOT believe that Halo 2 won out over Half-Life 2 in the first person shooter category. I really wish EA had shown gameplay for their godfather game trailer. But you have to keep the suspense up. Marketing...Whatever.

    Another issue of mine was that new Snoop Dogg game they showed. They made the CG cutscenes look like gameplay. They used lower poly models & textures, but the lighting still looked way to nice for it to be rendered in-game. I just don't like the new trend in showing absolutely NO gameplay in video-game commercials. As is evident in the new Call of Duty: Their Finest Hour game, and the new Mortal Kombat game. Anyway, I digress.

    I hate to say this but they ripped off a lot of stuff that G-Phoria did last August. Whether that's a good thing, or a bad thing. I don't know. My current employment status' conventional wisdom states that I leave that opinion up to the people and I stay out of it. But I will say that G-Phoria has a lot of improving to do.

    Honestly I thought they did a pretty good job. They appealed to the mainstream market, which is what your supposed to do to gain the widest ad-selling spectrum. It wasn't nearly as bad as last year, but I blame the publishers for trying to push celebritites at acceptance speeches, dangling them in front of our face and expecting us to be impressed. That's not Spikes fault. I was really impressed that Vin Diesel brought up Starbreeze. I really wished there had been more of that.

    Just in case anyone's curious I'm currently a Sr. Designer at G4 TechTV.

    And oh yeah I played with the PSP this morning and the screen is the most glorious thing I've witnessed. K Bye. smile.gif
  • Seyiji
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    Seyiji polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yah dude, total BS. It's not any sort of award show at all. Didn't even give it my attention due to last years disappointment.

    Snoop Dogg? What the hell...

    [/ QUOTE ]My sentiments exactly Adam.

    Just chuck in 100lbs of bullshit and crank that bitch to 11!

    Thank god I has my G4TechTV....I loves my G4TechTV..loves my G4TechTV! crazy.gif
  • Euphronios
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    Euphronios polycounter lvl 18
    BOB|3D hit it on the head. As stange as it may seem, industry professionals and aspirants are not the target audience for most game marketing. tongue.gif
    I think it's laudable that they've made "just videogames" seem so important (we already know how great they are, the average channel sufer may not). It's also nice that the show is accessible by such a [potentially] large audience. Now everyone can see where things are going and how far they've come. I guess I'm so big on this because my uncle, only 44, still calls everything "the nintendo".
    Anyway would everyone rather we have yet another movie or music awards show? They're ALL worthless, let's just be happy that there's now one concerning something we care about.
    eh, 2bits
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I don't watch TV (one of the many males these days that have left it). Im wondering though. Did any PC games win in a competition that had console titles competing? I truly wonder if the cards are stacked against it. Even if "supposedly" it was voted by popular.

    Simply because there are more consoles gamers than PC. And Hence (Halo 2 in example) they will vote for what they know.

    Maybe that shows the problem with popular voting. That most people voting havent played all the options presented.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    The new appearances of 'awards shows' manufactured by media outlets has cheapened the whole 'awards' concept to where it's meaningless, anyway. Awards shows seem to imply some sort of governing authority, like the Motion Picture Academy, but in SpikeTV's case this is more than doubtful, of course.

    Hmm, but if everyone can have their own awards show, why not Polycount? It would be a serious piece of work, but the whole thing could be done in Machinima. The 'Red vs Blue' guys could be guest presenters.

  • BOB|3D
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    BOB|3D polycounter lvl 18
    Real quick, G4 TechTV's award show, G-Phoria had Cliffy B as a guest host for the show. Red vs. Blue made a bunch of promos and interstitials for the show.

    Did anyone catch that, "Pontiac GTO Award" where the car "peels out" and gives the award to the presenter and the guy just grabs the award and says, "Pontiac GTO!" as if that's what won or something...I donno, I thought it was hilarious.
    Funkmaster Flex had to fill in.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    So will there ever be something to recognize the individuals who make these great games? rather than the company?
    when peter jackson won for lord of the rings, did the ceo of newline come up to recive the award?
    The thing is, as games get closer to movies, I hope that they get treated as such. The game designer akin to the "Director", ect.
    Seriously, games make more money than most movies. 40 buck for a game versus 8 for a movie ticket. The budgets are higher and yes they do take more time to make, But I belive that videogames are a superior form of entertainment, and storytelling. Ok I feel myself starting to rant, so im done.
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Of course it's a crock, why get angry about it, so Spike TV decides to host a badly-done video game awards show that focuses more on the "hip" side of video games, kinda like that one time I read there was a party for games run by some publisher where people who worked in the game industry weren't even allowed in, meanwhile teen stars like Tara Reid were invited. Smells like total publisher hyping BS.

    But then again, why would the people who REALLY made the games need to mingle with talentless pop-celebrities and going on MTV-esque awards shows? You have E3, among other developer conventions, Quakecon, an uncountable number of yearly awards given out by various gaming publications, as mentinoed theres G4 Tech TV (saw their feature on Doom3, very well done) etc etc etc so on and so forth, so who cares if some over-advertised joke of an awards show comes out oriented at the teenager with raging hormones and XXXXTREEEME stuff? We know better, and there are a huge number of people out there like us.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Rage I totally agree. But I wish there was a "legit" award for developers and artists where they were honored and recognized like the movie and music folks.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with ya rage,but I think the point is that is being made is that there is no "real" (unbiased) award ceromony that recognizes developers and breaks art of making games out into the general public domaine.

    E3,quakecon etc are still pretty specific affairs when it comes to developers and games...awards in mags are only read by those who buy or subscribe to the publication that they are in.

    I think we could do with one of those oscar or bafta award type ceromonies that cuts the bull-shit that would reward and reconise the devlopers for that hard work they put into this indutsry.

    Oh yeah also bear in mind I bet many game artists do just as much work as any kylie minogue or whatever...they don't write there own songs...which is of course half the work.

  • BOB|3D
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    BOB|3D polycounter lvl 18
    ghost_rider & bronco. There are legitimate "real" (unbiased) award ceremony's for actual game developers. They might not be televized in the UK though. The awards are the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences: DICE Awards.


    G4 TechTV televises them every year but sadly there are a limited amount of people who can even get G4, let alone actually watch it when it's being shown on air. Anyway, since this is totally my business & fortay I'll be checking back periodically today about any questions or comments you guys might have about the VGA's, G-Phoria, G4 TechTV, and Video Game Television in general.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    GDC has prtetty good, unbiassed awards, but te presenters are not TV Quality.

  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    What I would like to see is like a gala event for the game industry. Celebs and all that are good as long as they are giving props to the people who really bring these games to life.
    I would like a awards ceremony that really meant something. even to the point of putting the award on the box and people would know what it meant. Like how they do for movies. You know "Winner of 4 GDC awards Including Best Game designer" and people would know who the game designer is just like they know who movie directors are. I know some games do this already "game of the year" but it's usually from a magazine, or some aricle the game designer's nephew wrote.
    I can dig the gdc awards, It's probably the closest thing to the oscars game developers can get. It's a panel of Professionals recognizing other professionals on their breakthroughs and acheivements. Not who sold the most games.
    (sigh) I just want games to be recognized for the complex artform that it is.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just want games to be recognized for the complex artform that it is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's too new for that, yet. Movies took about thirty years before they were taken completely seriously. Comics were around at least forty years before anyone made any strides toward any legitimately 'respectable' content (Miller's Dark Knight, Moore's Watchmen). Games will take maybe that long, so they have about ten years to go.

    Wait until someone makes a good game with some popular appeal and an honestly good story, in which the gameplay isn't only about annihilating the enemy. (is that so much to ask?) Then sit back and wait for the respect to follow.

  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I agree with ya rage,but I think the point is that is being made is that there is no "real" (unbiased) award ceromony that recognizes developers and breaks art of making games out into the general public domaine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The public domain isn't ready to accept games as art, much less appreciate them for such. I'd hazard a guess as to say the public domain would either go for these Spike TV crapathons or if there was a legitimate award show, people just plain wouldn't appreciate it if they aren't gamers, and even then, how many of those gamers are going to really appreciate when Hideo Kojima or the concept artists for Blizzard, etc etc goes up on stage to talk about games? Personally if I was up for a game-related award, I'd want my award to be appreciated by my fellow artists in the industry more than anything. Besides, awards show tend to be boring, I say, get all those nominees in a huge LAN game and see em duke it out, and pass the awards around with some refreshments! ;D
  • Mark Dygert
    What I was going to say, was already said by everyone else... so yeah it was lame last year, it was lame this year. I'm not in thier hip-hop EXTREEEEMMMEEE target group so it never hit any kind of cord with me about what games mean to me. It made me want to not drink dew ever again. I mean I can only take so much forced comercial crap before I start to gag...
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...meanwhile teen stars like Tara Reid were invited.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Apologies for taking the thread off topic as I agree with your point, but Tara Reid is almost 30...
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think there is any need for a televised game awards show, I don't think there's any point in a televised game awards show and I don't think there will ever be a successful a televised game awards show. The Oscars, the Grammys, the whatever else you may be interested in are all popularity contests for media darlings and beautiful people. People tune in to the Academy Awards to see Julia Roberts gushing over how happy she is, etc, not to watch Gabe Newell (gaming's Peter Jackson, perhaps?) wax eloquently about crunchtime deadlines and the adversity his team had to face in implementing a good single-player physics solution. The participents at the Oscars/Grammys/Etc are all the People Magazine crowd, the E TV crowd, the entertainment 'elite'. They can be stars despite their content - that doesn't work with video games, as John Romero serves to remind us. Award shows are more about people and less about content; that works in film (I'm seeing the new Tom Hanks movie!) far better than it does in entertainment software (I'm buying the new John Carmack game!), as the cult of personality effect just doesn't work with this often less-than-personable industry.

    In short: the film makers are bigger than their films, the musicians are bigger than their music, but I can't imagine a time in which the game developers are bigger than their games.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Stupid shit like this is an example of why I started avoiding cable television, mountain dew, and rap music years ago. Life is much happier when you're not controlled by an avalanche of advertisements, harmful syrup based liquid substances, and poorly dressed African-Americans mumbling profanity. And Tara Reid is a ugly freak with the worst breast implants ever made. What the hell is wrong with this world? TURN OFF YOUR TV!!! You'll thank me later when your brain returns.
  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    Now we just need a red carpet, and 50 film crews to record live footage.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Jboskma: That definitly looks class!! That award could kick the oscars ass! I just wish there was more game-related catergories.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    haven't read this whole thred yet.....

    i don't watch award shows and i'd certainly never watch video game awards.

    the vast majority of people have no god damn clue what a good video game is, because it's such a young industry to most people.

    halo's a perfect example :P
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