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The Bi-Monthly Environment Art Challenge | January - February (94)

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Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays. Welcome to the 94th edition of the Bi-Monthly Environment Art Challenge for the months of January and February!

This challenge is a way for real-time 3D artists to test their skills and create a piece of work based on concepts provided. It's open to those of all skill levels and we do our best to provide meaningful feedback along the way so everyone can come away from the challenge with actionable points on which they can improve their craft!

Anyone is welcome in this challenge no matter your skill level! It's a test of your own ability not a competition between members. We're all here to improve as artists and learn from each other.


20241227 by baotong YU

abandoned place by Erin Lin


Yellow Flashlight by Tony Zenitium

National Park - Stylized Props Concept Art by Mikael Yusifov


Please read all the rules before starting:
  • Try to post at least one critique for every post that you make. This will make for a better learning environment and help us all grow as artists.
  • Try your best to finish as much as you can in the time frame provided, but remember even if you don't finish by the end of the challenge we encourage you to keep pushing and finish your piece!
  • Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique. Please avoid creating a new thread as we don't want to spam out the forums.
  • It is recommended to use a game engine to present your work. Unreal Engine, Unity, and Godot are very common engines that can be used but feel free to use any alternatives that you want. (Marmoset Toolbag for example.)
  • Feel free to change up your chosen concept a bit if you want! Interpret these concepts to your liking, especially if your aim is to add storytelling elements.
  • If you finish your project and decide to post it to something like Artstation, make sure you give credit to the concept artist in the form of a link to their profile. Additionally, it is recommended to ask a concept artist for their permission to post a 3D piece based on their work before doing so.


  • When you are just starting out making a scene, it can seem complicated or imposing. Take your time planning and blocking out, it will set you up for success later on.
  • Think about how you can re-use assets, re-use textures, break it down as simple as possible and plan it out. A lot of people will break it down in their own way when they start out their challenge. Gather some reference images as well for different parts of the scene, don't be afraid to make it your own.
  • We strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel.
  • The goal is to learn and grow both artistically and in your ability to both give and receive critique, but don't stress about it and remember to have fun!

Good luck everyone!


  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe
    Hey everyone!
    I'm Charles, a recent graduate from Sydney. Can't wait to see everyone's work on this challenge!
    Started the block out so far with a focus to get the proportions and shapes right. Also spicing things up and doing this project in Blender over Maya since I just want to get comfortable with such a versatile (also free) tool. Been making a lot of environments recently and want to take a step back and focus on a prop for a bit with an emphasis on texturing and modelling.
  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Cool designs, looking forward to see them translated into 3d.

    Looks like a good start @Hymil. What's your plan for the edge-treatment? Will you bake from a highpoly or something else? Are you going for some stylization or realistic texturing? Keep it up!

    I had to give the abandoned place a go. Once again will use Unity and baked lighting. Aiming for a video sequence and maybe a web build. Perhaps I need to re-scope in order to get it done, I'll find out.

    Sketches of different modules: 

    Screenshots of scene in engine:

    Lighting the foliage via light probes to reduce amount of lightmaps.

    Overview of modules in Blender:

    edit: web-build of current state can be found here
  • ATaylor96
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    ATaylor96 polycounter lvl 8
    Hey everyone! I'm an Unreal Engine tech artist working on the games industry. I've been following these challenges for a little while now but struggled get started on personal 3D projects so have never participated. However, it's been awesome seeing all of the results and with it being the new year I figured I'd try to start the year off well and get something finished.

    Here's the blockout so far (with a bevel modifier enabled so I can better visualise the end results). Still plenty of work left to do but I'm taking my time with this and trying to make sure the proportions look great and things match up to the concept art as best as I can.

    Great work from everyone so far, as more progress gets shown I'll try to give some feedback in my next posts =)
  • Vertz

    Hey guys, first time doing one of these challenges, not sure what's the scope quite yet, anyways here's my blockout (Blender EEVEE with RT).
    Do I need to follow the concept as close as I can? Because right now some things about it don't convince me like the piping on the ceiling that looks like Windows XP idle screen, the dead fish laying on the tray (I'm assuming this is a koi pet shop).
    While I await some direction I'll go ahead and modulate the various pieces and get it on UE5.

  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    @Vertz Cool to see this concept being picked up :+1: I'm curious to see how you will tackle the fishes. To me, your blockout geometry seems to match the concept quite well, looking forward to see it implemented in engine.

    Do I need to follow the concept as close as I can?
    "Feel free to change up your chosen concept a bit if you want! Interpret these concepts to your liking, especially if your aim is to add storytelling elements." So, no :) Personally, I would care more that the mood of the concept/design was captured instead of it being an exact 1:1. If the environment proves too big for the time available, I think it's even fair to break out a chunk/modules/props. 

    Keep it up!
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    Good starts! I started on the binoculars in zbrush/zmodeler. For fun I tried skewing them to add some forced perspective. I don't think I'll use that for the finished item as it may look kind of googlie-eyed. Sculpting pass next. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    I recognize that hard surface prop, since I have an actual one just like it! 

    I took a few photos, in case it helps : https://photos.app.goo.gl/PChZHYfXMfBJDiyX9

    Let me know if you need closeups or anything.
  • Pinkfox
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    Pinkfox ngon master
    That's awesome @Eric Chadwick, thanks for sharing! Great to see all those intricate details in it. Especially that edge damage on the underside that accumulated just from the natural use of setting it down over time.
  • Bullyzhd2205
    Hey Guys, Recent graduate from AIE sydney, Was wondering if I could get some feedback on my pre much finished blockout, was going to noodle around some of the Leather strap shapes then hoping to take it into Z brush for a little sculpting work. Gave it some colours to better visualize what it will look like.
    Would appreciate any critique.

    Kind Regards
  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe
    Fabi_G said:

    Looks like a good start @Hymil. What's your plan for the edge-treatment? Will you bake from a highpoly or something else? Are you going for some stylization or realistic texturing? Keep it up!

    Thanks @Fabi_G! Atm my plan for the bake is to make a high-poly subd/remesh model which Ill then bring into ZBrush to do damage on. Onto a currently non-existent low poly. for the texturing I'm learning towards realism, but I'm not completely sold on that approach yet. 

    I explored your environment on Itch, love the way you chose to present the scene and the foliage so far. Though did have some issues with the cursor snapping wildly in different directions, though that might just be my computer. With the screenshots you provided in-engine it seems the fog is washing out a lot of the colours in the scene. It could be worth pushing back the fog distance from the camera.

    ATaylor96 said:

    Here's the blockout so far (with a bevel modifier enabled so I can better visualise the end results). Still plenty of work left to do but I'm taking my time with this and trying to make sure the proportions look great and things match up to the concept art as best as I can.
    Great stuff so far @ATaylor96 , how are you planning to connect that back handle piece to the main handle segment and handle the underside of handle?

    EtotheRic said:
    Good starts! I started on the binoculars in zbrush/zmodeler. For fun I tried skewing them to add some forced perspective. I don't think I'll use that for the finished item as it may look kind of googlie-eyed. Sculpting pass next. 
    The exaggerated look is kinda fun looking though! The buckle looks super clean @EtotheRic .
    I recognize that hard surface prop, since I have an actual one just like it! 

    I took a few photos, in case it helps : https://photos.app.goo.gl/PChZHYfXMfBJDiyX9

    Let me know if you need closeups or anything.
    Instantly adding this to my ref board... thank you so much @Eric Chadwick!  Do you happen to know the name of the torch model / design to find more / similar things online as well?
    Bullyzhd2205 said:
    Hey Guys, Recent graduate from AIE sydney, Was wondering if I could get some feedback on my pre much finished blockout, was going to noodle around some of the Leather strap shapes then hoping to take it into Z brush for a little sculpting work. Gave it some colours to better visualize what it will look like. 
    Would appreciate any critique.

    Kind Regards
    @Bullyzhd2205 Solid start so far on the block out! The colours are a great boon for helping visualise the asset. I've done a cheeky paint over for you, though feel free to discard any suggestions, they are just my opinions after all.

    Main things to improve with the block out are pushing the shapes more to exaggerate and put emphasis on the stylisation. Then also adding more geometry to the cylinders since the faceting is quite obvious, though that's a stylistic choice, might be significantly less noticeable depending how you texture it. 

    One thing I missed in the paint over is the gap between the focus gear teeth being larger than the reference. It might be nicer to try and fit more/closer together.

    Another thought to ask yourself is how you plan on presenting your prop in the final render. Do you plan to have it float in the air? What about resting it another prop table with some small bits and bobs to sell the prop more? This will also change how the strap rests, which is why some foresight might be needed.

  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe
    Progress on the hard surface prop, starting with a sub-d high poly model, which I'll then take into ZBrush for a damage pass. Creating a low-poly from the high-poly shouldn't require too much work with just deleting support loops and other similar decisions. 

    Though my high poly isn't quite to a point I'm satisfied with, I've taken some liberties with the reference like adding a cushion under the handle, car battery on the interior, etc. Though I have a nemesis with the handle... It doesn't look comfortable to hold with the sharp edges that the reference shows, and the cushion I added only serves to weaken the wielders grip. So, I plan to rework that area with help from the references @Eric Chadwick shared (thanks again).

    It felt like such a waste to not do an interior for the flashlight, which is why instead I decided to do a mini car battery inside. It's still in the works, but I'm liking how it is shaping up.

  • Eric Chadwick
    Do you happen to know the name of the torch model / design to find more / similar things online as well?

    There’s a logo stamped into the bottom:

    Made in Hong Kong

    That’s all I know though.
  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Happy Monday :)

    Cool to see some binoculars. Looking at the concept, I find it a bit hard to tell what materials are used, so I'm curious to see peoples' interpretations.

    Those are very nice lamp photos :-B

    Nice Progress on the lamp @Hymil, don't have anything to critique really :+1: I find with such hard surface props it's key to find the right bevel widths for the edges, so they show nicely in the normal map at the intended texture resolution and viewing distance. I find this image is a good illustration of the matter. 

    Great to see all this feedback :heart: Will investigate the web build issue and likely make a windows build at the end, too. Agree about the fog, have reduced it a bit since and will most likely have to dial it in more.

    Some status update since last WIP - feel like threw a lot of stuff in, that I now have to balance/ refine:
    • modified environment - layout, skybox, lighting, fog (still to dense, I think), ...

    • exported the level-layout blocked out with primitives from Unity and built a level mesh with some vertex painting for texture blending

    • added tree canopy modules

    • added more building blocks. With some blocks, I made use of generative modifiers. Here is the setup for a cylindrical shape:

      Couldn't get the UVs right with modifiers, so I ended up applying all and UV manually. But I think it's still useful to iterate on patterns/shapes. On other shapes, made use of the displacement modifiers to add irregularities.
    • added moss and long-stem plant. I use a vertex color mask for blending colors and a simple wind/vertex offset. 

      For the plants, deform leaf instances along splines:

    • added large robot remnants

    • ...
    Until now, avoided any object specific texture maps, if any put masks into vertex color instead. Through lightmaps, hard edges get a softened. Set seams in strategic places and mostly align the UV borders with pixel raster to minimize steps at seams.

  • ATaylor96
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    ATaylor96 polycounter lvl 8
    Great work so far everyone! Quick update from me, things have been going slowly due to an illness the other week but I'm almost done with blockout out the main shapes - more of a mid poly at this point. Here's a quick render inspired by the orange renders @Hymil made.
    I realised after posting this that the charging contact is facing the wrong direction and has since been fixed)

  • klamante
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    klamante keyframe
    Fabi_G said:
    • added more building blocks. With some blocks, I made use of generative modifiers. Here is the setup for a cylindrical shape:
    Oh wow, that looks sooo good already. Such a great idea! And I love the robot remnants!

    Here's my progress. The topology is a bit chaotic, but I've already learned my lesson to start with a cube with subdivisions instead of modeling the silhouette right away. Yay. (:

  • crayz4pnutz
    Hymil said:
    Progress on the hard surface prop, starting with a sub-d high poly model, which I'll then take into ZBrush for a damage pass. Creating a low-poly from the high-poly shouldn't require too much work with just deleting support loops and other similar decisions. 

    Though my high poly isn't quite to a point I'm satisfied with, I've taken some liberties with the reference like adding a cushion under the handle, car battery on the interior, etc. Though I have a nemesis with the handle... It doesn't look comfortable to hold with the sharp edges that the reference shows, and the cushion I added only serves to weaken the wielders grip. So, I plan to rework that area with help from the references @Eric Chadwick shared (thanks again).

    It felt like such a waste to not do an interior for the flashlight, which is why instead I decided to do a mini car battery inside. It's still in the works, but I'm liking how it is shaping up.

    You've got a pretty nice composition going on there! I like the car battery idea, it's a nice personal touch to the project. I can't wait to see the texturing on this piece, it's coming along well. 
    ATaylor96 said:
    Great work so far everyone! Quick update from me, things have been going slowly due to an illness the other week but I'm almost done with blockout out the main shapes - more of a mid poly at this point. Here's a quick render inspired by the orange renders @Hymil made.
    I realised after posting this that the charging contact is facing the wrong direction and has since been fixed)

    A very nice composition overall! I see we took similar apporaches in connecting the flashlight handle to the wires. That part was quite tricky. I'm looking forward to what you'll do for the inside. 
  • crayz4pnutz
    Hi! My name is Gwenyth and I'm a recent graduate looking for work. Everyone's props look so nice! I've blocked out the basic shapes and am trying to add the required details beofore adding my own personal touch to the piece. I still need to add holes so the wires connect. I haven't worked on the inside, but that is my next step. I have the bevel modifier added, but I am going to bake that into the lowpoly to optimize the mesh. Any critique on proportions or general composition? 

  • SharelleCottee
    here's how my binocular model is going so far would love feedback and advice especially on topology as that's something im trying to improve on :) 
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    SharelleCottee - Off to a good start, before you start beveling things I'd add some support edges around the main body of the binoculars and round off the corners on that ring piece. Should smooth more evenly and give you a better low poly from the start. Hope that helps.

    Been working on the low poly but I also finished the head and added some wear and tear:

  • HarryT25
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    HarryT25 triangle
    Hello! My name is Harry, I'm currently a student at university and decided to take part in this challenge :) I have gone with the flashlight prop and this is my progress so far! Any feedback would be really appreciated, thank you!

  • loon27
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    loon27 polycounter lvl 8


    It looks like some parts of your design different from the original concept.
    I can only offer some subjective thoughts on the design and functionality

    For the wires, I think the shape could be a bit smoother and simpler.
    The bottom charging contact seems a bit too thick—would that make the flashlight unstable or wobbly when placed down? (Just a thought about functionality!)

    Hope this helps. Keep it up!

    This is also my first time joining this challenge. Here’s my current progress
    The blockout stage is done, and I’ve already set up edge loops for some parts of the high-poly model.
    Next, I’ll continue adding more details to the high-poly model.

    Feel free to share any feedback or suggestions!

  • BillyJackman
    Everyone's work is looking good!

    @ATaylor96 your blockout looks better than my final high poly!

    @klamante - that model is looking very clean great work! Not too chaotic to me!

    @crayz4pnutz - all of your modeling looks solid. Unless I am getting tricked by the field of view/perspective, it looks a lot longer than the concept. I think it would help with the realism by shrinking down the overall length of your model. Great work so far!

    @EtotheRic - your binos are looking really good. love the imperfections and damage.

    @loon27 - that's looking really good so far! I'm digging the thick handle.

    Here is my stab at the emergency light asset. Grinded this one out without keeping track of the progress.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Eric Chadwick

    Very nice! One crit, if you're open to changes, would be to add more pronounced edge wear to the bottom of the unit. Someone pointed that out earlier when I posted the photos, just how beat-up the bottom was, from all the times it was set down on concrete or wherever. 
  • ATaylor96
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    ATaylor96 polycounter lvl 8
    Quick progress update, haven't managed to get too much done this week but I have been slowly refining the high poly model. Mostly cutting out shapes so things sit nicely in place and making sure everything looks good with a higher subdivision.

    @BillyJackman nice work! Really like the texture work on that, love the roughness variation across the model. I agree with the suggestion@"Eric Chadwick" made, would definitely get quite roughed up on the bottom so some more edgewear would help a lot. The handle looks a little sharp as well so rounding that off a fraction would go a long way but otherwise really great work!
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    ATaylor96 said:
    Quick progress update, haven't managed to get too much done this week but I have been slowly refining the high poly model. Mostly cutting out shapes so things sit nicely in place and making sure everything looks good with a higher subdivision.

     This is my favourite so far, beautiful presentation. All these models have turned out great so far, awesome entries
  • loon27
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    loon27 polycounter lvl 8
    Nice texture!
    IMO, some of the dirt in the AO feels a bit strong. Maybe adding some variation could help balance it out
    Also, your work reminded me that the light cover is actually transparent! I made that adjustment in my update as well.

    Great model and render!
    One small suggestion—I feel like the red plastic light cover looks a bit sharp. Making it a bit rounder might improve the look! 😊

  • loon27
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    loon27 polycounter lvl 8
    My High-Poly  progress update
    I’ve completely refined my previous blockout model and added more details. The front and back light covers will be semi-transparent.
    Seeing everyone’s preview renders looking great, I decided to play around with Arnold a bit too. :)
    But my end goal is still a game-ready model, plan to render it in Marmoset Toolbag.

    Next update will likely be the low-poly model and normal baking!
  • crowlena
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    crowlena polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all, here is my modelling progress on the binoculars. I'm planning on taking these into substance painter next:)
    Here is the UV layout that I'm thinking of going with also:
    Any feedback appreciated, thanks!:)

  • crowlena
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    crowlena polycounter lvl 10
    Hi @SharelleCottee here are some differences that I noticed between your model proportions and shapes versus the concept art. It's up to you if you want to take these into account of course and keep up the good work:)

  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe
    Woah, so many entries this month! Amazing to see everyone's takes on the concepts!
    crayz4pnutz said:
    You've got a pretty nice composition going on there! I like the car battery idea, it's a nice personal touch to the project. I can't wait to see the texturing on this piece, it's coming along well. 
    Thank you!
    Great work! My only advice would be for the grunge. You have a fair bit of grunge in the concave sections of the light housing and underside, but this is juxtaposed by the rather clean flat and convex surfaces. Perhaps evening them out? Anyways great work, it was fun spinning it around in the viewer.
    loon27 said:
    Lovely stuff! The modelling looks clean, and shapes have nice silhouettes. Excited to see how you end up texturing it and render with the translucent surfaces!

    crowlena said:
    Awesome progress so far! Only thing on my mind would be to simplify the topology on the grid fill circle areas if they're flat, and if you are going for game topology.
  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe
    Cheeky progress update!
    Did the low-poly and been cranking out the texturing so far with Painter and render in Marmoset.

    Constantly going back and forth to compare and tweak. Looking for any and all texturing feedback, to my eyes it doesn't quite feel cohesive but that might be because I've been staring at it for way too many hours.

    @ATaylor96 inspired me to just keep all the images combined into one.

    Also funny to see everyone that did clay renders choose different colours ahaha

    Not sure why tho, but the small bit of blue in my render image get desaturated when I upload them to polycount, but oh well. Here's a little closeup just so you see the corrosion
  • SharelleCottee
    crowlena said:
    Hi @SharelleCottee here are some differences that I noticed between your model proportions and shapes versus the concept art. It's up to you if you want to take these into account of course and keep up the good work:)

    Thank you for this i really appreciate it 😁

  • nurichez
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    nurichez triangle
    Hello everybody! I'm a little late to join the contest, but I hope I have time, I decided to make the binoculars, so far I finished the blocking, next I'll do the high poly 😊

  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Nice blockout @nurichez. I think from some angles the shape could be tweaked slightly to support the conical look and flow of the design (red). To make it look even more cartoony/ expressive, some lines could be pushed past the original blueprints (yellow), so they're less straight horizontal/ vertical. 

    Personally, would consider adding large bevels early, but probably that's part of your highpoly stage. As a general note, I think the strap ideally has a length so the binos can comfortably carried around, currently perhaps a bit short? Keep it up :+1:  

    Very cool to see those different executions on the lamp assets :-B

    Was able to continue some on the abandoned place environment, but yet have to document the current state properly. Will update this post then :sweat_smile:
  • HarryT25
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    HarryT25 triangle
    An update to my flashlight model :) I've made adjustments based on some feedback I got from here around a week ago. I think I'm happy with the direction this is heading. Take a look below :) 

  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hi @HarryT25, nice progress. Looking at the concept, I think the handle could be elongated some, to perhaps better balance the lamps' weight when carrying it. As I see it the lamp fixture in the concept is slightly slanted forward, which would make some space for that:

    Another detail is the positioning of the backlight being different also reducing grip-space. That's just what jumped out to me, keep it up!
  • loon27
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    loon27 polycounter lvl 8
    Hymil said:
    Lovely stuff! The modelling looks clean, and shapes have nice silhouettes. Excited to see how you end up texturing it and render with the translucent surfaces!

    Thank you!
    Your texturing looks great too—the material definition feels really realistic.

    If I had to nitpick, I do have a couple of small suggestions:
    • Edge wear at bottom looks a bit too uniform. You might try adding some larger scratches, like in the reference, to break up that subtle straight-line pattern.
    • The chipping around the corners seems to have a bit of a gradient effect, which feels a bit unnatural since paint damage usually has sharper edges.
    • The bottom structure seems to be missing some AO shadows, which makes it look like there’s a bit of mesh intersection.

  • loon27
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    loon27 polycounter lvl 8
    Progress Update

    Low-poly and UVs are done
    7433 tris used with a 2K texture at about 32px/cm pixel density.

    Normal baking in Toolbag went pretty smoothly!
    Next, I’ll finish baking the rest of the essential maps, then it’s off to Substance Painter for texturing!

    Any feedback or suggestions are always welcome!
  • Houuuuurr
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    Houuuuurr triangle
    Hello everyone :) , first time joining, I decided to do the binoculars, would appreciate to get some feedback.
  • Pep_mepla
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    Pep_mepla polycounter lvl 3
    Hello there! This is my progress so far on the lamp. I know this challenges are meant for realtime rendering, but I wanted to test my hardsurface skills and go full subd on my highpoly. After I model all the pieces I'm going to do the proper retopo for the lowpoly and bakes.
  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Wow, nice models, looking forward to see them textured :-B

    Postponed doing an update on my Abandoned Place rendition for some time - always wanted to do one more thing :D

    Hard to recount everything that has happened, this is what I can think of:
    - Tweaked/created tiling texture-sets for Moss, ground, stone and bark
    - Setup Virtual Cameras and added a script to switch between them by pressing numbers 1 to 8
    - Refined layout
    - Added a butterfly (which can be followed pressing 7 and looked at pressing 8)
    - Tweaked lighting and Postprocessing
    - Created and applied a cubemap to control specular highlights, used reflection probes to override in certain areas
    - Added Mushroom
    - Added some ambient sound from the Unity Store ("Warped Fantasy Music Pack" by Andrew Isaias)

    Updated the web build, which can be found here
    Some screenshots taken from the build running in browser:

    Potential tasks going forward:
    - Create plant textures (currently just using vertex color)
    - Create a metal texture set
    - Improve existing texture sets, improve blending
    - Fix collisions
    - Document individual assets (tiling materials, plants, stone modules, robots, level mesh, ...)
    - ...
  • klamante
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    klamante keyframe
    Omg, I've noticed that those binoculars are super popular on Sketchfab and it has destroyed my motivation. :#
    But I finished it eventually! Fully hand painted. Hope you like it. (:

    Sketchfab preview: https://skfb.ly/p9ETB

  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    @Fabi_G: Excellent work and exemplary workflow! It's clear you are giving this your own spin and want enough space for walking around/explorig, but it does feel a tad bit empty compared to the reference. One aspect may be that the difference between the blended-in ground foliage and the bigger plants is too big so the latter stick out more and seem somewhat isolated.

    @klamante: Looking good! I'd probably let the straps for the covers go into the covers so they don't have to double up when closed, but I'll admit I have a hard time imagining this at the moment.
  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe
    @klamante: Looks schweet! Great work. I like how the hand painting blends the overlapping faces / separation of the focus gear mount to the body of the binoculars.

    @Pep_mepla: Good start so far. I noticed a few missing parts, though you mentioned it's still in progress so anyways. Just a thing to keep in mind is things like the placement of the switch area, with way the switches are right above the handle mount, you might find the cables don't fit without clipping through. So, it might be worth moving the handle switches are little bit back.

    @Fabi_G I enjoy being able to walk around the scene, but because of that I noticed that the scale of objects felt a bit off, I think this feeling was mostly because you were using the same rubble asset at different sizes, confusing my brain. Along with a small detail of the spawn pedestal floating slightly above the ground.

    @loon27 Nice retopology work so far. I have a couple suggestions some of which are a bit nit-picky. Looking at the shine from the lighting in your model, your normal map has a light bit of banding in it. Could be worth exporting the normal map at 16bit. This will also make Substance Painter happy since substance prefers 16bit bake maps. That and if you're planning to texture it, do you have a specific reason for the logo to be a floating plane and not just baked into the geometry? One more thing would be that you might be able to get more texel density out of your UVs by using a non-square UV to allow the longer lengths to fit more comfortably.

    @Houuuuurr Great progress so far! Only things I'd note is that; the supporting edge loops on the sides of the middle section seem to be pinching at the ends, and also if those supporting edge loops need to be there in the first place? The reference images have a smooth curve going around the sides, but this might just be a stylistic choice by you.
  • Biah
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    Biah triangle
    Hey guys! I'm new here and in the world of modeling too! I found this challenge last week and I wanted to participate, but I have some doubts. Do I just post my work here? Or is there a link to this? Sorry for my ignorance and my English too, I'm still learning :) Anyway, that's my work so far. :)
  • Geausselain
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    Geausselain polycounter lvl 7
    Hello everyone,

    Once again I've come to try my hand at this challenge in the hope of finishing it one day! Not like all the other times x')
    I've started my 1st big modelling pass. I'm still missing a few elements that I'll tackle next time! 
    Good luck everyone! You've already achieved incredible results!
  • Hymil
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    Hymil keyframe

    I think I'm happy to call this project finished at this point. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback, without you it wouldn't have looked as good as it does!
    ArtStation - The Yellow Big Beam Flashlight

  • loon27
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    loon27 polycounter lvl 8
    Hymil said:

    @loon27 Nice retopology work so far. I have a couple suggestions some of which are a bit nit-picky. Looking at the shine from the lighting in your model, your normal map has a light bit of banding in it. Could be worth exporting the normal map at 16bit. This will also make Substance Painter happy since substance prefers 16bit bake maps. That and if you're planning to texture it, do you have a specific reason for the logo to be a floating plane and not just baked into the geometry? One more thing would be that you might be able to get more texel density out of your UVs by using a non-square UV to allow the longer lengths to fit more comfortably.
    I started with 16-bit normal maps in PNG format, but noticed the same issue while texturing. Later, I baked the normal map in PSD format, which solved the problem.
    For the logo, I felt using a floating plane helps achieve better texel density and makes customization easier (though it’s not strictly necessary).
    The UV layout was definitely an oversight on my part! But since I’m already working on the textures, adjusting it now would be a bit of a hassle. I’ll make sure to pay more attention to this in future projects.

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
    Your texture is really nice! I love the rich details and the realistic feel of the material!
  • crayz4pnutz
    Hello everyone,

    Once again I've come to try my hand at this challenge in the hope of finishing it one day! Not like all the other times x')
    I've started my 1st big modelling pass. I'm still missing a few elements that I'll tackle next time! 
    Good luck everyone! You've already achieved incredible results!

    Things are off to a great start! One suggestion I might add for future posts is to add multiple angles so it's easier to look at all parts of the model. 

    I have finished the high poly part of the model. I took advice from @BillyJackman and shortened the length of the box I don't know how I didn't see how long it was lol. I decided to join in on the clay render trend. After days of deliberating I decided to make the flashlight solar panel powered. I added a panel on top of the box for sunlight and I just realized after rendering that I forgot to add a glass shader for the box below the lid to show the powerbank, but my next move is baking and texturing in Substance Painter. 
    Edit: I also realized I put the red nozzle button on the wrong cylinder but I have corrected that as well. 

  • stahlwart
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    stahlwart keyframe
    Hiya! Been playing a lot of Dave the Diver lately so I've been itching to try using Aseprite alongside blender for textures - I thought this challemge would be a good way to try it out :)
    and the wireframe:

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