A year ago, I started learning 3D modeling. At first, everything was going great – I was quickly grasping the basics, and I really enjoyed it. It seemed simple and clear.
But as I dug deeper into it, things got harder. I noticed that I was doing all my work based on tutorials. Whenever I tried to create something on my own, nothing turned out the way I wanted.
Theoretically, I understand how the tools work and how the process should go, but in practice, things just don’t work out. This sense of helplessness started to demotivate me, and at one point, I decided to quit 3D.
Now I realize that I still enjoy it, but I feel like I’m stuck. I don’t know how to continue and feel progress again.
Has anyone faced a similar problem? How did you deal with it? I’d appreciate any advice.
Stop watching tutorials and start to get things done. No matter how cruel it turns out, finish it with your current skills and knowledge. Then analyze how you can improve next time. This work, no matter how imperfect it is, also allows you to get feedback.
Work in smaller chunks that are manageable for you. Set lower goals to lower your frustration. Also accept that you are years away from being a useful 3d artist. One year is nothing. You still scratch at the surface.
Separate the creative part from the crafting part. This is vital. It's one thing to model a ship along some blueprints and concepts. And a completely different task to create this blueprints and concepts. And the worst that you can do is to change the concepts at your way. So first define the goal, then do the technical part.
And learn to analyze what exactly "does not work". "Does not work" is no task that one can solve. Lighting is too dark, the shape does not fit, the topology behaves bad at deformation etc. is.
Good luck
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"Has anyone faced a similar problem? How did you deal with it? I’d appreciate any advice".
If you're willing to hang in there like anything else worthwhile doing, the sense of accomplishment alone personally can be a real morale booster and likewise as already mentioned don't be afraid when things go pear shaped because in my opinion making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn.