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[Blender 3.1] Won't render anything new in Cycles, just sticks on an old scene.

I'm having a problem where Blender won't render a changed scene (still pic). It just keeps rendering this persistent previous scene and I don't know if it's stored somewhere. Searching says it might have to do with Post Processing -> Compositing/Sequencer or Final Render -> Persistent Data. I've tried unchecking those separately and together and it doesn't work. I've also tried copy-pasting relevant objects into a new blend file and that also doesn't work. There are also mentions of video or animation keyframes being a problem, I checked and there are neither in their respective viewports. Though there is a mention of "Frame 002" on the render in metadata.

The real time soft render (64 samples) shows the current desired scene but hitting F12 doesn't do so. Regional render doesn't fix it either. I've tried using different slots but the problem remains.

EDIT: More...

EDIT: Copying just the scene models without the camera seems to work, but now the render doesn't show any of the objects, just the world color (and the Cursor). Camera is pointed at the models. Models are render-able. Viewport Cycles render works. (edit. And opening a new/different blend file has the same problem. Before I tried a different blend file with the recurring past render and it also didn't work then either...)

EDIT: View clipping length wasn't readjusted, that fixed my second problem. Idk what caused the first, maybe Kanga is right about it being corrupted.

EDIT: Copying the old camera into the new scene makes the old render appear, so probably correct.

EDIT: Well, crap. Copying the old camera into the new scene Without saving and then opening the old save of the new scene still corrupted the rendering and it's back to showing the old render. :/ I can always just remake the scene but that's just tedious if I have to keep doing that... If anyone thinks they might know how to fix it, PLEASE let me know.

EDIT: Even recreating the scene didn't work this time. ugh... lol


  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage

    Probably a corrupt scene. Try open a new scene then append the basic models. Don't append the camera/s. Make sure there are no animation actions associated with the objects and try a test render on the simplest version. If that works keep appending stuff until you encounter the error.

  • okidoki
    Offline / Send Message
    okidoki polycounter lvl 2

    Do you have Render Properties -> Performance -> Final Render: Persistent Data enabled ? (And you are pressing F12 (Render Image) not F11 (View Image) 😉 ??)

  • Polygonorous

    Kanga: I tried this just now and it works in the sense that the new render shows up, but now I have a different problem. The render doesn't show any of the objects, just the world color (and the Cursor). Camera is pointed at the models. Models are render-able. Viewport Cycles render works. (edit. And opening a new/different blend file has the same problem. Before I tried a different blend file with the recurring past render and it also didn't work then either...)

    okidoki: Persistent Data has been tried on and off. F12 is what I've pressed, and tried through the render menu, and both multiple times.

    Thanks for your help, guys.

    EDIT: View clipping length wasn't readjusted, that fixed my second problem. Idk what caused the first, maybe Kanga is right about it being corrupted.

    EDIT: Copying the old camera into the new scene makes the old render appear, so probably correct.

    EDIT: Well, crap. Copying the old camera into the new scene Without saving and then opening the old save of the new scene still corrupted the rendering and it's back to showing the old render. :/ I can always just remake the scene but that's just tedious if I have to keep doing that... If anyone thinks they might know how to fix it, PLEASE let me know.

    EDIT: Even recreating the scene didn't work this time. ugh... lol

  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage

    There are quite a lot of posts about stuff not rendering (you could check the filters list at the top of the object menu). Anyhow you would want to solve this problem in case it reoccurs. You might also try: https://blenderartists.org/

    I got nuthin 🤔

  • Polygonorous

    The problem with searching for this is it's hard to get this specific problem looked up. General/other rendering issues pop up a lot. Ugh.

    Thank you.

  • yoshtov

    I was having this exact problem just now. My problem was that I still had an active Strip in the Video Sequencer. When I deleted the Strip, it was able to render just fine.

  • YR_9ka
    yoshtov I can't thank you enough! had this exact problem on a couple of my scenes recently and after countless hours of looking for fixes thought redoing them from scratch was the only way to fix it. You saved me from many hours of pointless work. And I created this account on this forum just to express my gratefulness for your comment. Thank you, you are my hero!
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