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Demo reel for game or film?

polycounter lvl 3
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Naoto polycounter lvl 3
I am starting to create a demo reel for a new job, and I am trying to decide whether to use a model for a game or a model for a movie.
My aspiration is in the film industry, but in my country the treatment in the film industry is significantly lower than in the game industry, so I am in a situation where I would rather work in the game industry when I think about my livelihood.

I am wondering which one to choose, especially since I think that Environment works are made in a completely different way for games and for movies.

Current position: Hard Surface Artist in game company
Content of demo reel (tentative): hard-surface and Environment work

I would like to get your advice.


  • Eric Chadwick
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    If you want to work in games, then ideally you would make assets that will be shown in a game engine, and would work in a game. 

    Environment art in game development is a great option, lots to learn and achieve.

    A demo reel is less used in game development, as people tend to have less patience and don't want to wait even a few seconds to actually see the art. It is better IMHO to provide good screenshots from a nicely-lit environment presented in a game engine. But if you must create a video, make sure the art is shown right away, don't start with a title screen or your name or whatever, just put the art in our faces ASAP.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    Unless you're making something that animates there is no value in showing me a video

    in fact - as a prop artist if the only thing you're showing me is a video you are actively hurting your chance of being interviewed because i will not be able to assess your work properly. 

    Large clear images are what you need to show off your work. A video turntable or walkthrough is at best a nice addition to a portfolio page

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