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Landscape and roads

Hi everyone
I'm making a pretty big scene of a city in UE5, using realworld terrain data. So the question is what is the best approach to make roads and pavements? There is a lot of them, and the landscape is curved a lot. As I think, I could model roads in Maya for example, and adjust the landscape to it. But is there any better\faster way?


  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    splines in unreal are very tedious and buggy on a large terrain (4km+)

    editing a model with like 100k+ triangles in maya can be a pain. you can split it into pieces though and recombine if you have to do it

    the simplest way i've found is a little tedious but it is fast and simple - i paint a texture mask (like just mask out the roads from your satellite image) and use that to apply a landscape layer with a bright color that stands out in unreal. Then you can use the landscape brushes (ramp, flatten, etc) to fix up the roads where needed. It is manual and tedious but its simple and bug free and pretty mindless work so you can just turn some music on and get it done without much stress.

    If you want to use an extra mesh for the roads you can apply the mask as a color texture in maya to use as a guide and then pretty quickly setup the meshes like that. much quicker than anything in unreal. 

    You could probably use PCG tools in unreal to read a texture and place meshes based on that, but how long it takes to learn how to write the tool versus just doing the thirty minutes of work has to be considered. Likelihood of do-overs being the major concern.
  • danielgrey8256
    I thought about splines in UE, but after reading your comment I won't even try that. Making a texture guide in Maya seems good to me, cause it has to be pretty similar to real life, thanks!
  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    well it's a big difference between 4km+ terrain and 500m. It's worth messing around with at least briefly to see if its not the right fit for your own needs.
  • danielgrey8256
    My terrain is 1 square km, but there are a lot of unique road junctions, pavements, etc. I guess splines would work in case of more "simple" roads, like street blocks in NY, however it is a part of a city - cottages, log cabins, villas and so on. Unfortunately its hard to make those roads in a modular way. So the way you mentioned above I hope will work to me (for an extra meshes for roads)
  • fangazza
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    fangazza polycounter lvl 10
    When the landscape became very big you must look at Level Streaming and Viirtual Textures.
    Also PCG (or Houdini) for streets and connections.

  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    streaming and virtual textures, while very nice are not relevant to this issue

    The spline system seems to work fine on my large nanite landscape  (10x15km) and while it's a little clunky I can't say I'm having any major problems with it.
    I'm not building anything as dense as New York though. 

    Your biggest problem with building a city is what happens between the roads.  PCG isn't particularly useful for this stuff if you're trying to match real world layouts -  the main issue is that setting the direction of anything is basically impossible due to how it handles point fields. 
    So far I've found it easiest to block areas between roads out using the modelling tools (spline, extrude etc. )  in editor, take them out to Max for refinement and bring them back.  Using large meshes isn't a big deal culling-wise if they're either not dense or you're using nanite so don't be afraid of that. 
    I suspect you're going to end up using splines to start with and by the time you finish it'll be mostly meshes.

    A note on using real world satellite data since I did a lot of it not long ago ... 
    Make sure you're using the appropriate UTM transforms or you could get quite a lot of lat/long error  (get it right and you'll see under 1m per km error)   
    Height is not super accurate  - even the top end (eg. when you pay Airbus a lot of money to use their fanciest satellite to get you custom 0.6m/pixel data) has an error of 1-2m in the vertical. 

    The Landscaping plugin with the mapbox extension is really good - it sorts all the complicated GIS stuff out for you and grabs you a color map to go with your height which is super useful for blocking out.  The only downside is that you can't get super high fidelity data  

  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    i think that at the time i was trying to use landscape splines i was working on a computer that was a bit under recommended hardware specs, so that was likely the major reason it was slow and buggy for me. Haven't done it now that I have machine that's above recommendations
  • danielgrey8256
    Thanks for your answers! For now I got the question regarding working with spline tool in UE- what about complex roads(like on the image)? It has some junctions and pavement parts in it. Is it possible to make it with splines?
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    junctions yes. 

    A spline point can have any number of segments connected to it (ctrl + click to connect points)  so you can form junctions easily
    if you're applying spline meshes for the road surface then it gets a bit weird  cos they overlap

    this is all one landscapespline actor

    kerbs  - you're screwed . I'd recommend thinking of kerbs as being attached to the gaps between roads rather than thinking of them as part of the road 
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