I've finally completed my first 3d character.

The purpose of this project is to create a game-ready character to showcase on my portfolio. This is my first 3d project but I have been learning 3d for a while now.
The reason I'm making this post is because I'm self taught and I occasionally find myself facing challenges I need help with and because I feel it will be very beneficial to receive input while I work on the character.
The character I am working on is Kazuhira Miller from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. This is what I have so far I will send in more detailed images and wireframes as I progress.

Clothes (other than belt) simulated in marvelous designer, the hair is just to visualize (it is not going to be used later on)

PureRef board (Incase you are not familiar with the character)
Honest feedback no matter how harsh is appreciated.
this is what I had so far but I feel the hair strands look weird (too flat i guess)
I tried to change the color of some of the hair but it still doesn't look like his hair from the reference (where he has lighter and darker hairs)
(comparing new hair strand coloring method to old single hair strand color)
so any tips on how to texture blonde hair (i don't have access to xgen cause i cant afford maya/3ds)
Edit: removed some images to make this post/ discussion easier to view
You've also used marvelous designer to generate the cloth, but without the control so it just looks haphazard. Take a step back, and handle the fundamentals first. Look at the concept and the final model from the game. The 3D artist has kept the cloth and folds flowing in ways indicated by the concept, and they've kept the strong folds in areas that would have them, and kept lighter folds in other areas.
Thanks I know about the method you have linked (using an id map to randomize hair color) but it does not generate the kind of results I want. I guess I'll have to figure out my own work around but thanks for linking this (I probably will use an id map but instead of randomly selecting hair I'll have to manually assign the id textures to each individual hair strand to get the kind of result I'm looking for which I think is gonna be a pain). ( Also I have no idea what you mean by some of the other stuff you have typed perhaps its some kind of language barrier? lack of context? in any case I hope you will be patient with me since I cannot understand you. )
The head sculpt needs to be developed further. In the reference he's got much stronger facial features overall (more squared off jaw and chin, more defined cheekbone and jaw muscle, lots of volume around his lips/mouth area)
It would help to establish a real life head reference that you can use to help inform your sculpt. You don't necessarily need to use it to get an exact likeness, but it will provide you with some specificity so that it won't be too generic. (Dolph Lundgren immediately came to mind).
You can do it in whatever style you like, but it should still retain some feeling of your original references. Currently he's got more of a Star-lord from Eidos' guardians of the galaxy vibe than MGS.
Keep at it!
MSF patch And M1911
re simulated the marvelous designer clothes
And finally the head
Also thank you Pxgeek for the last critique on the head I found it very helpful (though I'm not sure if I implemented it very well)
Belt Holster (not finished yet) this one gave me alot of trouble
Boots (not finished yet)
brought everything together in Zbrush to see how it looks (done a bit hastily and subdivided alot which is why the head and arms lost some detail) (I'm not using this for anything just showing my progress)
after I finish making/finalizing a few more of his accessories and make some changes to the clothes I'll move on to detailing in Zbrush and reattempting hair cards.
Also please let me know how how I could take better screenshots in blender.
You can see this in blender as well but it goes away once the normal map is added
It also appears on the top lip of the head model but you can only see the issue in blender if the head is viewed from a certain angle
I have tried shading auto smooth which weird lines on the normal map where the shading changes and adding more geo but that needs like 3 or more loops to get decent shading. Tried looking this issue up but honestly don't know what to search.
Edit: Just learned about weighted normals and that seems to have fixed alot of the shading issues on the model but some areas look like they still have the issue. I'll have to re bake all my maps to see if the issue is still there.
also I think the substance painter issue might be because of me using the wrong type of normal map (openGL/ DirectX).
Am I Doing this right? What is the standard practice to prepare these kind of models for baking? shade auto smooth (soften/harden edges in maya i think) then triangulate and apply weighted normals?
Another thing to pay attention to is that the normal map is sampled correctly, without gamma correction (no sRGB).
Of course the shading of the mesh the NM is used with, needs to match the shading of the mesh that the tangent based NM baked was originally baked with.
Keep it up!
Spent alot of time on it and there are definitely things that could have been done better. I'd really appreciate any feedback on how I can improve in future projects. Personally I think clothing and detailing are my weakest areas.
Presentation-wise the materials look a bit matte, perhaps another light coming from the side to add some specular highlights, in particular on glasses and skin.
I think the wrinkles of the face could be a bit more pronounced, and the hair could perhaps be a tad more messy as it currently looks a bit hard/ helmet-like (perhaps closer to head but more pronounced fly-aways?). Looking at the clothing in the Artstation project, I think the folds don't quite match the type of fabric used for uniforms, perhaps another pass looking at folds from uniform references.
Keep it up