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[Critique needed] Head sculpt: likeness and anatomy

This is my first (almost) finished sculpt. Currently struggling to connect the brow ridge with the cheekbone properly (marked with a blue arrow). It also looks like there's something wrong with the forehead. 

I had to achieve proper likeness with a very limited number of reference photos. My reference board:
The brow ridge in the first picture confuses me.

I'd be glad to hear feedback on anatomy and likeness.


  • Vertrucio
    Offline / Send Message
    Vertrucio greentooth
    Did you set your camera FoV to be closer to film cameras? It can be hard to get a likeness right if your camera is causing distortion, which can make it difficult to get the exact details right, but also various proportion issues. The position of the cheekbone and brow ridge, and skull is definitely affected by this. Her cranium is far too wide and is throwing off your landmarks.

    The brow and cheekbone, even on her, aren't that sharp. That area just past the corner of the eye at the brow ridge usually rounds out a lot. Also note that they make the lighting stark on here face to bring out the sharpness there for cinematic purposes, but you can see in reference image 3 that with normal lighting she's got a well defined, but still not sharp eye ridge corner.

  • Vertrucio
    Offline / Send Message
    Vertrucio greentooth
    Also, from the side, the ear is way too far back, which also makes the cheekbone way too long, throwing off proportions.

  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek keyframe
    Trying to get a likeness with very limited references is going to be an uphill battle, so if you can get more references...the more the better.

    You have things blocked out nicely, now it's just a matter refining the forms against your reference images to get closer and closer.
    The form changes on some of your major landmarks like the brow and upper lips are too sharp and overly defined (as Vertrucio has pointed out). The brows don't really come to and edge like that...they're actually really round and soft.
    And the middle of the forehead between the eyes (glabella?) seems to protrude too much...that's generally more a feature in infants and young children.

    Photos can be quite misleading without proper observation, which is why it helps to have a lot of reference where you can cross check them to get a better idea of the forms.
    I'd recommend checking out 3dscanstore. You don't even need to purchase anything; just look through the images of their different head scans, it's great studying material! It should be able to give you a good "generalized" rules for head anatomy.

  • the_devotress
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks everyone! I've checked for anatomy mistakes and tweaked it. Will make the surface even in the final version.
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