I was watching this tutorial on how to create a brick wall material in Substance Designer :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjTONstmYz0&t=1195s
At 19:35, he used a node called the Get Slope, which you can adjust high clip degrees/low clip degrees and falloff.
Does anyone willing to share this node? Or does anyone know if there is a similar node like that in Substance Designer? I will be very appreciated!
I dont know if there's one built in but if you put the above function into a pixel processor and feed it a normal map it'll give you a gradient based on how different the texture normal is from the up vector
Thank you for providing this approach to me! I might able to use it in the future! But since the Youtuber showed up and provided the link to the node yesterday, I going to use his node this time. 😃Thanks again!
Thank you for sharing it! I appreciate your help!
I'm not the author of the node. I believe credit goes to Peter Sekula.
Isn't it just normal map blue channel + levels or histogram scan
assuming the input normal texture is normalised that should give you something along the right lines - most normal maps generated in designer aren't though so the blue channel will just be constant 1.0