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How do I make a good looking realistic cracked glass in substance painter ?? here is my attempt...

polycounter lvl 3
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Stensword polycounter lvl 3

from player percpective :

I used stencil to make the main mask, I think the result is alright but I think it could be a lot more believable and realistic. Ideally, a result like in this video would be the goal : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKa-AkLGOkQ but i don't have substance designer.

I am currently making a dedicated map for this detail so I can have the rest of the map scaled down. It will just be a duplicated part of the geometry at the position of the detail.

But I am not super experienced in the making of glass texture. So if some of you whith much more experience have good advices of how I can make the glass more photo realistic I d love to hear it.



  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    at the moment it looks like you have some sort of impact damage in metal with some glass cracks drawn on top.

    for now we should ignore any fancy shading effects (thats a whole different conversation) and worry about the information you're trying to communicate.

    decide what kind of glass it should be, decide how the damage occurred and then google some pictures of how the glass behaves when it's damaged in that way


    boring normal window glass with a crack starting at a point - large sharp shards that you don't want to be involved with

    tempered glass - the sort of thing you get in a car window. its designed to bead up into rounded pieces so it doesn't shred people when it breaks

    bulletproof glass that's been shot - note that the fractures are very close together and contained and that around the point of impact it has basically turned to powder.

    and here's a picture of a bulletproof faceshield after it got shot

  • Stensword
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    Stensword polycounter lvl 3

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    That's what I did, I went for a laminated tinted glass but I only found references for non tinited glass. I didn't wanted to use a dark albedo for the crack as the references shows more white colors. But white didn't work with the pale yellow as the 2 colors are too alike so I went for a black to get more contrast.

    Tho the face shield cracks in your picture look really great. I will switch from laminated to bulletproof glass eventhough some glass can be both. And it looks pretty similar to ice.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage

    For what it's worth, I think the crack itself looks nice and fine, but the material otherwise doesn't feel like glass at all.

    I don't think I'v ever seen a glass that color, and it also doesn't look reflective and glossy in the way I'd expect from glass.

    I think once the base material looks good and like glass, it'll become a lot easier to dial in the crack color, etc, to sell that effect.

  • Stensword
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    Stensword polycounter lvl 3

    Yeah to me too the base material is problematic, it look more like plasitc than glass. So I should use an alpha for this ? Cutting the window shape frome the original piece and moving it to the alpha udim ? This isn't a very easy and quick solution but I can't think of something else...

    because this is what the geometry look like for the moment lol

  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator

    Can you use a separate material / shader for the glass bits or does everything need to use a single material?

  • Stensword
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    Stensword polycounter lvl 3

    No I can use different material. But what do you mean by material ? You mean map ? or this is something in the engine I don't know because I never toutch to a game engine before. I only used marmoset

  • Eric Chadwick
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    Which game engine? What material shaders does it allow you to use? Do you have screenshots of existing glass in the game?

    To make this more believable as glass it would help to make separate geometry for the glass, and edge geometry where it is attached to the metal, so you can see something thru the glass.

  • Stensword
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    Stensword polycounter lvl 3

    Thanks for your help. This is a portfolio piece and I usually render in Marmoset, there is no other glass in the game cause there is no game

    Ok then I ll cut it out and move it to the opacity map/material maybe even have several layer of glass with variations in the cracks so I can get the depth effect of the bulletproof glass.

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