My edge decals aren't matching the color of the material underneath. Its set up using Deferred Decal, Translucent, Default Lit. It looks ok and correct with certain light hitting it, but most of the time it looks like this and is always darker than the material its sitting on top of.
Using UE4 and have deferred decals turned on in project settings
Translucent materials don't light the same way as opaque ones. iirc you don't get shadows on any of the deferred options and the forward option doesn't take AO
use a dbuffer decal for this sort of thing
Thanks @poopipe - though the material is already set to DBuffer Translucent Normal for the Decal Blend Mode. Any other ideas?
I don't quite understand the issue by looking at the cropped image. Maybe if you showed more images, how it looks correct and incorrect, with more of the scene visible, it would be more clear.
The color is off. That’s what I was showing there. The decal is supposed to be using only the normal, but it seems the color doesn’t match the underlying materials color.
something else is wrong then - check the various buffers and see what the problem is - perhaps the normals on your decal mesh are borked? maybe the decal is casting shadows? coudl be any number of things.
a dbuffer decal does work when set up correctly
Ok got it working. Turns out since I had the mask stored in the alpha channel of the normal map, the normal map was set to Color in the Sampler Type in the material . I ended up just separating the mask to its own texture and set it up that way, and it worked fine.