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Is there a software like old NDO2 where you can DRAW normal maps - more specific for sci-fi trims.

polycounter lvl 3
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StasMikhailov polycounter lvl 3

Hey everyone. So is there a software like old NDO2 where you can DRAW normal or/and Height maps - more specific for sci-fi trims/atlases needs? I just start to think that I can save some time while drawing Height map + Normal map but not modelling geo for bake. Substance Designer is not what I'm looking for too because I believe that it is much more technical and will not give me that freedom of fast iterating on sci-fi trim designs - just almost painting, erasing, etc.

Sergey Tyapkin once mentioned in a 80lv article that he used NDO2 for trims so I got wondered - is there some modern supported software for Drawing normal maps (good if also height maps for pom).


  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator

    you can paint in your heigth map in substance painter and use a filter to convert to normalmap in realtime, and you have the option to use alphas/stencils and different tools to generate shapes

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Marmoset toolbag also allows you to paint in a bump channel and that will be automatically converted to normal map.

  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth

    Affinity Photo also allows normalmap creation.

    Here is a free solution for it which allows image to normalmap, AO and simple normalmap creation.


    There are slightly more advanced files available but they cost money so I would advice to first try out the free stuff.

    There are some things to keep in mind;

    Affintiy Photo has no compatibility with NDO1 and NDO2 files.

    Things like slopes are (for me at least) not possible

    there is no "sculpt" feature available.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    Some addition to that with profiles and if it should do it inside or outside the shape would be so good!

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    in painter you dont need a filter, it converts to normal map automatically. you need to use anchors to pass painted height/normal info into filters but that's a different problem.

    you can build painter brushes in designer that allow adjustment of falloff profile etc fairly easily,

    tbh i do most of this sort of thing in designer, you can develop surprisingly interactive tools if you're willing to put a little work in and you get the benefit of all the other cunning stuff it does at the same time,

  • bond1
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    bond1 polycounter lvl 2

    I'm surprised this doesn't get mentioned more often, but 3D Coat is pefect for this kind of workflow. I used nDo2 for a long time, and 3d Coat does all that and more, and way faster. Draw out some shapes, curves, use photoshop-style alpha brushes, whatever you want. 3D Coat even has a VERY useful thing called "strips" to draw repeating patterns with ease. For the icing on the cake, throw on a smart material and you're done. All in a familiar Photoshop-ish style workflow. You can even shoot all your layers over to Photoshop by pressing CTL-P for further editing, then back to 3d coat.

    Here's my very ugly 1 minute example:

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    If you don't have substance painter 3d coat is not a bad shout .

    If you do, then use painter cos it's just better

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