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Looking for Critique (still a wip)

polycounter lvl 2
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Scarament polycounter lvl 2

Hey guys!

I've been working on this piece and I really want it to look awesome.

I would love to get some non sugar coated critique and basically anything that will help me become a better artist.

Please tell me what you guys don't like (or like if there's any) in this piece.

Thanks guys! ♥


  • HarlequinWerewolf
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    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter

    Hey! I really like her face and your hardsurface work. I think your materials need some more definition, especially on her legs and torso. Do you have a concept you're working from?

  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range

    I think it would be cool to have more information, e.g. what means awesome to you?

    Working off an existing concept and with style references makes it easier to focus on specific areas (anatomy and technical execution)

    The character design seems a bit random to me. It reminds me a bit of a graphics cards mascot. What's the idea behind it?

    I also like the face. Texturing could be pushed further. Right now the overall color make it seem a bit like the skin is irritated.

    Maybe just do a super polished bust, to narrow down the focus of the project a bit?

    Much success going forward!

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character

    Its hard to give crit on a single view but lets try :

    • wings look like afterthought
    • straight arm is too straight lacking any gesture
    • she doesnt have knee [everything knee related ]
    • blue body and normal face its confusing
  • Scarament
    Offline / Send Message
    Scarament polycounter lvl 2

    Hey guys! sorry for the late reply and thank you for your feedback!

    This is the concept. Artist: Marc Brunet.

    This is the latest iteration:

    And this is a turntable gif (sorry for the low quality...)

    There are some areas that I haven't touched as much, like the diamonds on her thighs and the hairbands.

    Thank you! I appreciate it! You're totally right about the materials. This is my first time using painter so I'm glad that you pointed it out! what would you add? more gradients? scratches? I'd really appreciate some feedback around the materials!

    I was trying to go based on the concept but I really wanted to get an Overwatch look to it as I really admire the look of Overwatch.

    The Idea behind the character is that it's a character from a video of Marc Brunet where he drew a character for Huion called "Huion Chan".

    I ordered a Huion graphics tablet and got 2 of them by mistake so I contacted their support and asked them if I can keep it (lol) and in exchange I'll make a little 3D character for them to post on Instagram and weirdly enough they were cool with it, so I decided to sculpt this character because this is the video that got me to finally decide which tablet to order.

    Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it! I want to push the textures forward, what should I add more of in your opinion and also, does her skin look less irritated right now ?

    Maybe a bust would have been a better choice for learning substance painter and stuff... :)

    Thank you man! Much success for you as well! :D

    OH MAN

    this is a ponytail, not a wing XD just proves your point tho that it looks bad XD

    totally right! I'll fix it and add more gesture to it.

    I tried to make her knee narrow to play with her silhouette a little bit... I want to keep that element but I also want it to work. what would you suggest to make it work better? :D

    does it still look weird right now? I changed the outfit to fit the concept because as a friend pointed out in discord, it was pretty distracting that the belly glows in bright blue and it kinda overpowers her face, he said that the concept works because her belly is blue and the outfit is blue as well so it drags less attention.

    Thank you guys for the feedback! and sorry again for the late reply.

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character

    Right now you only have central part of the knee, 2 connection on each side are missing Its especially noticeable with inner form as its bigger and pointy

    On concept art she has some skin showing on her neck which pretty much solve the issue

    I have suggestion If you raise the pen a bit you will end up with line that lead view's eye to her face which could help with defining point of interest

  • Scarament
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    Scarament polycounter lvl 2

    Got it! I’ll work on it!

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