hey guys my name is adrian im a hard surface game artist I do props/environment check out my website and the quality of my work
https://adriancgmask.com/my youtube channel free tutorials
(((I work at cgtrader wildcat and at freelancer and other places always struggle and doing first model free to catch the trust....but when applying for studios it doesn't mean shit )))) everybody knows these last years been brutal but again so many of us struggle to find any job whatsoever especially in the game industry I looking for any open position for months I don't have triple a title but I work many projects so 99.9 companies looking for someone with at least one shipped title and that fuking ridiculous cause as modeler we usually work at outsourcing or freelance anyway even with the shipped title there are thousands of people applying for the same job it's like winning a lottery
Im gonna be honest with you guys and this is my final conclusion so far if I put all these times on pilling shit I will have a steady job with a salary and I don't starve to death lol
sorry for being so negative but if u have any suggestion any comment plz let me know
You're not getting hired because what you're presenting doesn't look good. experience doesn't come into it when you're not competing with graduates on quality.
Your asset work is not there yet.
I mainly looked at the weapons since that's the subject matter I'm most familiar with and I believe you're not paying close enough attention to reference in terms of both the forms and materials. for example - that AK appears to be missing a gas system and is very strangely proportioned, I don't think the sights on the Thompson match up to either the expensive early version or the cheaper ww2 military one, I have to wonder what happens to the flashlight on the p229 when it's fired. Hopefully you're getting the picture.
Your presentation is not helping,
The background on your site is an immediate turnoff - if you didn't make it, it shouldn't be on there and we all know you didn't make it.
Your lighting is flat and dead - read up on simple 3 point light setups and concentrate on a clean and clear presentation. That's all you need for asset work and anything more just gets in the way.
good luck with it
edit : also the website is really irritating, the auto changing images make it very difficult to look closely and analyse your work.
As a rule, anyone hiring would much prefer to look at a vanilla artstation page than any thing custom.
If you are patient and stay focused on this singular goal I am sure it will pay off in the long run.
It's tough work to find jobs, I had to be persistent in the face of adversity. The constant rejection was very demoralizing, but I just had to keep going. Worked my ass off, and it eventually happened. Etc., you get the picture. Motivation is Bull
Take the advice given here by others. It's pure. Honest professional-quality feedback is extremely rare. Drink it up like a hungry vampire!
I will remove the background asap and maybe delete the whole website and focus on artstation instead
I mean I put a lot of work into my https://adriancgmask.com/portfolio-item/sci-fi-entrance/ before and after wireframe so if no one likes it what's the point right.
From now on I only render in marmoset 4 and with the proper lighting and post it here
Im hoping to improve and u give me ur feedback in the future.
and plz what do you think are the worst assets and what do you think are the best or top 5 in terms of materials and....
The first step would be to deal with presentation and lighting. Then you're at least showing what you have in the best way.
I think your apocalypse weapons have potential as a themed set. You might have to go back and rebuild parts of the guns but they are a start on a solid idea. Sort the gas system/receiver proportions out on the ak and it'll be a lot closer.
I'll take your word for it on the sights, I thought they'd gone with a simple sheet metal aperture on the rear but I could well be remembering wrong ..
Keep it up