Is it possible to create individual origins for each square in the vector noise node in the material editor and be able to scale them by each square origins in ue4 or ue5 equally?
This is possible with the tile sampler node in a lot of 2d texture authoring softwares like designer, Texture lab, material maker e.t.c. Wonder if ue4 does the same.
Take a 2d coordinate that has the same vector length as the xy elements of the noise grid. so in this case, it goes to 5,5. then put frac on this, and subtract 0.5. then put an abs, and then another subtract that will set the "tile size" for each of them. a ceil node after this, then break float2, max the x and y, and put one-minus on the result, and a saturate. Then multiply this on your noise and you have the adjustable tile size for them.
Got it to work but I was trying to see if I could use the cellnoise vector scaling to drive the scale of the indiviual tiles of a tiled image texture. Unfortunately, with the mask method, didn't work.
@Axi5 This is what I am trying to do in unreal engine:
Should have posted this in the beginning. This is from Texturelab.
Non uniform size with vector noise:
Non uniform position offset with vector noise:
If you want the tiles to be able to overlap each other, you will need to look into how to construct a voronoi grid.
This gives the same result.
Obscura said: Thanks. I will like to have the tiles overlap as well. The vector noise has a voronoi noise or would this require a different one?
I am currently trying to look up constructing voronoi grid for ue4. I am wondering if it could be all squares as well
this is the closest thing I've seen to what you're looking for.
it's a long way from straightforward to implement - you can get away with linear blending though for a lot of cases
EDIT: In the examples above.
@poopipe Interesting read. Thanks for the link .Yeah but the histogram_preserving blending looks way better though. This can't be implemented in ue4 I am guessing.
@Obscura Appreciate all the nodes setup. I am very grateful. Thank you.