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Keyshot Depth Pass, Help!?

polycounter lvl 4
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Method14253 polycounter lvl 4
Hi everyone,

I am using zbrush to bridge to Keyshot and export a depth map to add some atmosphere to my concept work. The issue is my depth map is only black and white, there is no grey-scale  gradient. I have tried scaling up my model in zbrush to no avail. I have also tried adjusting the exposure in Photoshop which also did nothing. I HAVE had this work before, it just isn't now, wondering if this is a scale issue and how to fix it without going to an external program and resizing for pipeline reasons. Here is what the EXR looks like in photoshop. 


  • nate7811
    Hi there,
    Just wondering if you managed to sort this issue?, having exactly the same problem.
  • Method14253
    Offline / Send Message
    Method14253 polycounter lvl 4
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    I recall having and solving this problem as well. ;) I think it was a scale issue. It's been years since I sat in front of Keyshot but were there no scene scale adjustments anywhere? I know I always imported OBJs and my depth map output was EXR. Oh and I did use it for DOF rendering - but not in Photoshop but rather in Nuke.

  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    try to drop it it in Blender compositing pane and try  "normalize" and RGBcurve nodes. 
        if keyshot write depth in mm or inches your depth picture could have pixel values in 10000's range ,way beyond what Phshop  could  adjust for.  

    Photoshop basically shows gray pixels in 0-1 range, like 0,4   and a render could have something like 99145,5  depending on what  the system units are . So you naturally could see only white
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