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Character Concept Art / HyperRoller ( Need feedback )

polycounter lvl 6
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Eyekust polycounter lvl 6
Hello guys ! Can you give me some feedback on my last personal artwork for improve ?  

 The basemesh was from character creator. And I produced a first version for the #cyberpunk2077 concept art challenge from digitalpaint.school.   You can see previous version on my  https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zO1lxL.

What you think about it ?


  • Eyekust
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    Eyekust polycounter lvl 6
    So i give me my own feedback. Ok i can't restart the picture but I added more atmospheric smoke for remove a litlle the blacks areas, satured little more the center, decrease the contrast a little and adjust somes details and voilà. :) I'm happy with that I think..

  • Skinner3D
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    Skinner3D polycounter lvl 5
    As far as I can tell the artwork itself looks good and well framed. It may be just me, but it feels like this image presents a lot of ideas all at once. Isn't character creator a 2D software? So did you make the chick from a 2D reference? or just the skates?
    Also the barb wire morning star is a cool concept, but the hand grip seems to make it out to be retractable or pulley based? Neither of those makes sense mechanically.
    As a piece of art it is definitely good and audience drawing. As a concept art piece for some other application it might need tweaked. That is all i know.
  • Eyekust
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    Eyekust polycounter lvl 6
    Many Thanks for your feedback and the time you spent on this analyse ! 
     Isn't character creator a 2D software? So did you make the chick from a 2D reference? or just the skates? 

    I didn't make the girl from a 2D reference, I simply modify the chick in the software and import the model with underwears only ( that I used in the picture ), and I did a little overpaint on ( skins/face/hair). At 0:05 the base model : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvg08x3CFb4.

    Also the barb wire morning star is a cool concept, but the hand grip seems to make it out to be retractable or pulley based? Neither of those makes sense mechanically.

    Thank you, and you have understood the concept, the barb is retractable :D. For me that make sense, I didn't understood why that doesn't make sense mechanically ? I put a little cylinder for organise the bar inside, and yes it's maybe it too little :D Or it doesn't make sense ergonomically for you?

    As a piece of art it is definitely good and audience drawing. As a concept art piece for some other application it might need tweaked. That is all i know.

    Ok, I did this to start building a "good" concept art portfolio. I'm actually just a pro generalist 3D in the e-learning safety industry. But maybe I need to focus more on elements and not to try a whole "epic" image.

    I did a new picture for my portfolio, It's a spaceship fan art from a comics "bolchoi arena" what I do and I saw a good texture on substance source ( the frozen ) and I decided to make this :  

    You can see more if you want here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ELQYee

    The red thing is normally the pilot who try to repair the spaceship, maybe it's too small to guess?

    ( sorry for my english )

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Check out this guy, and what his thoughts on concept art are: https://fzdschool.com/
    And one of my favourites: https://www.youtube.com/user/bluefley00
  • Eyekust
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    Eyekust polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you for your recommendations ! 
  • Skinner3D
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    Skinner3D polycounter lvl 5
    With the retractable weapon, its the fact that its barb wire and the barbs are bigger both than the reel and the end of the gun. I think it would get stuck :D
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