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Looking for a critique on this low poly scene

I'm a beginner with blender but I am interested in low poly art at the moment. I thought a group of dingoes around a camp fire would be cute, so I went with it. Any critiques on the scene? Artistic, technical, or otherwise?


  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    It's definitely a cool scene! My few critiques; Too much repetition. It would be nice to see each dingo in a different post (sitting, looking up, etc). Would also be nice to see the logs be each a bit different. Right now it's quite obvious you copy and pasted the dingos and wood. I also think the fire shape could be refined, as it looks a little bit too orb-ish right now. If you created some rocks or sticks for the ground, it would add another level of detail.
  • Banta
    It's definitely a cool scene! My few critiques; Too much repetition. It would be nice to see each dingo in a different post (sitting, looking up, etc). Would also be nice to see the logs be each a bit different. Right now it's quite obvious you copy and pasted the dingos and wood. I also think the fire shape could be refined, as it looks a little bit too orb-ish right now. If you created some rocks or sticks for the ground, it would add another level of detail.

    Got it. Would you suggest rigging them for positioning or is there another method? Thank you for the advice!
  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    That's really up to you. It's low poly enough that it wouldn't be super hard to adjust the models without the pain of rigging.
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