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Particles changing the color

polycounter lvl 11
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decorix polycounter lvl 11
HI, all, Can anybody help me with particle issue I'm having. I'm trying to create a sandy_dust scene. But I can't seem to tint the particles. I have changed the initial color and also the Scale color life. I have checked each setup to check for white color, but nothing. But for some reason there must be one set to white. As you can there are some white clouds :-( I want them brownish.


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Do you have "particle color" node in the material?
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Obscura. Thanks for you're reply. What do you mean particle color node in the material. What I have seen on tutorials that you change the color thru the initial color / and scale color life settings. I have managed to find most of them. Setting them to brownish color, but one particle is still white. Do you mean changing these settings is not enough? and must change the source partcle color too?
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    In order to get those to work (any color related setting), you need to have particle color node in your material.
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    Hi i have been gathering info, but looking at the node. I can't seem to adjust the color. I think the particles came from free pack. 
    Its a snow pack P_Blizzard. As you mention I need to fix the particle colour first. And not in Cascade. I looked at the matertial, see my screenshot but i can't tint the color. Or do I need to change the color of the texture. 

  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Can you show a more zoomed out screenshot of this?
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    The particle color node needs to be multiplied with the incoming texture or color nodes before plugging it into the base color or emissive input. I cant tell from your screenshot if this is already there or not.
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    Hi, ofcourse. I haven't made this as I'm just using it for my personal project. The particle setup uses 8 materials. Its basicly a snow blizzard,, but I want to turn into sandy storm look. I was hoping that I could fix this Cascade changing the colors as mentioned. But the material setups are nearly all the same, but without color controles. Hope you see a solution.

  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Are they from the particle effects example project? The material setups seems to be correct.
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    I think you are right.. Been awhile since I migrated it to my project. perhaps this rings a bell the (names) :-)
    P_Blizzard, P_Smoke,P_Spark. 

  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    ObsDcura said:
    Are they from the particle effects example project? The material setups seems to be correct

    Hi, did you have any info on the screengrabs? is there anyway I could tint the white color? to create a more dust look.
    Hope you have a solution. Thanks in adanced.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Havent had time to download the project and check out whats going on.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hey. I downloaded the project and checked out the p_blizzard effect. I managed to change its color without adding anything extra. 

    On this screenshotss, I disbled the other emitters to better see the effect. The ones I marked are the ones creating the smoke.
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    Hey,  Obscura. I got it working. I feel like  a big fool. I had the scrollbar of the window to the right.. So it was only showing 5 particles  emitters...So the first two I didn't see// adjust :-( SILLY ME. They were still set to white. I've hardly done anything yet with Cascade. When I hear that you had to adjust the material I was more confused. I'll post a screenshot shortly.. thanking you ofcourse :-)  Thanks so much again. Cheers. 
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Obscura,  Sorry to bother you once more :-) Hope you might have some info on this as well. I'm still getting white color on the particle Flakes_LongLife_Emitter. I have adjusted the color both the Initial Color and Scale color Life to brownish color. As you can see in my screenshot. Unfortunate they are still showing up as white color dots (flakes) I can't understand why this is happening or is this like kinda motion blur effect I'm seeing? If you have any info ont his would be great. Thanks in advanced and have great day. 

  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Its the emissive part of the material. Once you disconnect it, it starts to show the color you set here.
  • decorix
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    decorix polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks so much again Obscura for the small fixes regarding my project. I'll send some stuff later this week how it turned out.
    Cheers decorix
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