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TetxureWorks: Any Original Texture Synthesizer from small patch - PBR and procedural PBR

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Take a look at my original texture generation in Textureworks
Textureworks on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1140360/TextureWorks/


  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Take a look at my original texture generation in Textureworks
    Textureworks on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1140360/TextureWorks/

    Does your Synthesizer  work with height/depth  and color  images in sync ?    
    Could it  work  like Content aware fill in Photoshop   by filling  only certain area of an image?
  • redneck0007
    Could it  work  like Content aware fill in Photoshop   by filling  only certain area of an image?
    It generates novel or original image from the given small patch .... you can generate even tiled tetxure with it....No photosop required...

    Does your Synthesizer  work with height/depth  and color  images in sync ?    
    For that it has texturemaps for generate the texture maps related with the generate texture.....

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