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A critique for a critique ( Portfolio reviews )

polycounter lvl 12
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vonboe polycounter lvl 12

After 6 years in the Japanese games industry I'm trying to branch out to the western market, but haven't had much luck as of yet.
To better myself, I could really use some critique and comments about my work and overall portfolio.

But Instead of just asking for something, I thought I would return the favor.
So if you are looking for some critique/comments about your work and portfolio, I you take the time to look-through your work if you want.
And hopefully I can provide some constructive criticisms/points you can use to improve your work :) 

Portfolio Like

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts :)  


  • Bonkers
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    I'm a noob in 3D modelling and all I can say on your portfolio is great job! Are characters your main work or do you have something else? Anyways your portfolio looks great. Good luck on finding that branch to the western market dude. :)
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    Yikes, if you're having trouble finding a job in the western market, what does that mean for the rest of us?
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    Indeed, I'm not a character artist, but your work reads as quite good to me. The only thing I can think of is maybe some editing? Cayline and Grand Commander don't seem up to your current skill level at a glance. Good luck!
  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    HI Vonboe,

    There are several factors I believe that are playing against you in getting your footing into the western market. Location, Breakdowns, and Aim/Presentation.

    --It's less of a hassle to hire a potential employee if they are in your country. If you can, get some sort of visa and get to the country with the studios you wish to work for. 
    --Whenever I click into a piece, I expect to see Full body, close ups, wireframe, uv layout and a little peak into your process. The Knight Male is a great example of this (although it's missing UV Layout)
    --When someone visits your channel, you want to make an immediate impression of what you want to be hired for. I believe you've got that mostly down. Although there are a few zbrush/polypaint renders in there I believe?
    --I believe you can cut some of your older works out and fix up your thumbnails. Readability and Consistency is key. For example, the Creature Head thumbail is hard to read. And the thumbnail colors/shots of the characters are jumbled, I've provided a comparison to two other artists portfolios I find easier on the eyes. They took time to make their thumbnails consistent and in turn the page is easier to navigate. 

    Here's a solid podcast episode where Insomniac Games artists sit down and chat about these topics.

    I hope this is of some use, I'm still learning too. Cheers
  • vonboe
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    vonboe polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks everyone who have posted a reply, I really appreciate it!
    @jStins and @bkost Thanks for the critiques and advises, it means a lot, it really does.

    I'll try adding some more informative wireframe renders and uv layouts, also rearrange the portfolio so that is more pleasing to look at.

    Also don't get discouraged just because I have troubles getting work in the west, as bkost said if you are already living in the country you want to work in, you might have an easier time getting work :) 

    If you are interested in me giving some feedback on your portfolio, please post a link and I will do my best :)


  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    You want to better yourself ok then lets get serious .After reviewing your portfolio my initial overall impression is that :
    - Poses are broken or stiff and doesn't really matter how good your models are this drastically lower their appeal
    - Presentation is poor which additionally lower quality of your work , if you want colorful background I suggest to consult color theory
    I will bunch this 2 here -> lack of point of interest and some mechanism to lead the eye around your picture -> leaving everything equal
    is not a good idea , using visual hierarchy is how you make your work interesting
    - Facial anatomy or the lack of sufficient knowledge in this area but I am pretty sure you know that already
    BTW rat girl ears looks more like  jello then flash , ear is mostly cartilage which will make it much stiffer
    In conclusion you could improve first 2 right away [fix pose re render and get a better presentation] learning facial anatomy will take some time so in the meantime dont show close ups
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