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Help with two uv tiles

polycounter lvl 15
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Billabong polycounter lvl 15
I have this personal project that I'm working on. Since its rather large and quite a few objects iin it, I feel like ti would be best if I used two uv maps instead of one. I thought about using UIM's but since this is an unreal learning excersice for me as well. I dont know, if game companies even use UDIM's SO here are my questions.

 1. Should I keep something like this to 1 map? If not, whats the best way to get more than one map in Substance Painter at one time? Different channels?
 2. Are UDIM's used in the gaming industry?

 I really appreciate any help with this. Thanks for taking the time!



  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    You could give it two material id's, and create two fully different UV sets, and import that into painter. Create a multi-sub material with two inputs, plug in two standard shaders in them (give them different colors). Click on the multi sub, and then select all of your low-res meshes and apply that multisub to them. From this point, you can now set elements to be either ID 1, or ID 2. With a quick glance, I'd recommend doing the structural stuffs like the wheels and platforms on one, and the organic stuff on another.

    UDIMs afaik are more suited towards VFX/Film, and not necessarily game art/game-ready production.
  • Billabong
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    Billabong polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks so much for replying Kanni! So I dont need to give the second map a different channel? only a different mat id and Substance painter will recognize both uv maps?
  • Billabong
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    Billabong polycounter lvl 15
    That worked! Thanks so much Kanni!
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