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(WIP) Artstation Challenge - Avalon

polycounter lvl 5
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rezinekk polycounter lvl 5
Hi all,

I know I am late to the Artstation challenge but I decided I want to give it a go as there is so much cool concept art going on and I feel it will be good to challenge myself.

I decided to choose this great concept art by Hung Nguy http://https//www.artstation.com/hungnguy

I have always wanted to create a cathedral environment and this gave me motivation to finally do it.

I have created some mood boards and analysis but most of the details have been included by Hung in his call out sheet. 

I have started to block out the environment and put it into Unreal as fast as possible to check the lighting and spot any problems as soon as possible. 
I felt that the main part of the concept felt a little empty so I would like to add some church benches and light the candles to create different point of interest. 

Looking forward to your feedback! 


  • rezinekk
    Offline / Send Message
    rezinekk polycounter lvl 5
    I had some time to finally work on this and I would to share my progress on my trim sheet sculpt.

    First material I have created for the scene - done in Substance Designer.

  • rezinekk
    Offline / Send Message
    rezinekk polycounter lvl 5
    Just finished texturing my trimsheet - I am going to test how it works within the scene and maybe adjust the colours a little bit as they seem a little bland.

    Any feedback is appreciated! 

    EDIT: Improved the colours a slightly bit for a sandstone kind of look. 

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