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Topology problem in my modeling

Hi I have some problem in my object after Boolean Operation.
I will be appreciated if you guys tell me how can I make it well-form .
object attached.


  • Yerus
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    Yerus polycounter lvl 4
    Sorry, can you be more specific? what kind of trouble are you having?
  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    I checked the file. I'm guessing you're talking about the weird protruded vertices. You can try placing control loops around the location of the boolean operation before actually applying the boolean. This way, you can avoid producing weird ngons and thin triangles which might be the cause of your issue.
  • maya_phenomenal
    Yerus said:
    Sorry, can you be more specific? what kind of trouble are you having?
    first of all thank you for your consideration.
    my problem is when I want to make normal map in XNormal fro lens part as you can see in image XNormal without any respond stop.
    second problem is when I export as OBJ in Keyshot the glass have some issue.
    so I thought my modeling topology perhaps have some issue.
    I attached all the files.
    thank you again .

  • maya_phenomenal
    I checked the file. I'm guessing you're talking about the weird protruded vertices. You can try placing control loops around the location of the boolean operation before actually applying the boolean. This way, you can avoid producing weird ngons and thin triangles which might be the cause of your issue.
    thanks can you send me some video which show what you exact saying.
  • Andreicus
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    Andreicus polycounter lvl 6
    If you want to fix the topology you must merge the vertices that are very close to each other and connect the rest with other vertices so they form quads and when you hit "3" the mesh smooth well without any n-gons ( n-gons don't smooth well ).

    If you don't want to do it manually try using this 2 commands with the mesh selected:

    open up the console---> polyRemesh--> tweak the parameters to get more triangles---> delete history---> select the mesh again--> polyRetopo in the console---> tweak the paramaters if needed.
    You should end up with all quads but the mesh will be quite dense.

    For the future when doing booleans operations try using meshes with less polygons as possible and place some edge loops on the main mesh before doing the boolean.
    Usually for cylinders the magic number of divisions for boolean is 8 because it smooth well and it's easier to retopo.
  • Yerus
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    Yerus polycounter lvl 4
    It's difficult to do things with a dense mesh, always try to use quads as much as you can, specially when modeling inorganic objs, keep it simple. And instead of doing booleans, try to form the holes by hand, using a primitive as a guide to the edges of the hole and by extruding'em away.
  • Yerus
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    Yerus polycounter lvl 4
    The issue with the glass might be intercepting UV's, lead by cut/unwrap mistake.
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