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Sculptris Pro mode in ZBrush

polycounter lvl 2
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fa2020 polycounter lvl 2
Why isn't Sculptris Pro mode popular between artists and they usually tend to use Dynamesh?
In Dynamesh unwanted fusion between close distances in very annoying. You need to increase the Dynamesh resolution to avoid unwanted fusion but more resolution makes some big deformations to the model much more difficult. 


  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    For me its just i dont trust new tech if i havnt testet it. I would need todo a new project with it.
    But at the moment there is no time for experiments. And on some projects the pipeline is frozen on R7.

    The "old" workflows are fast and stable.
  • RacePeaceDay
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    RacePeaceDay polycounter lvl 6
    I like instead of dynamesh, dynamesh is still needed in the end for better topology.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Like Oglu, I haven't had time to test new features. I'm still working in 4R8.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    I like instead of dynamesh, dynamesh is still needed in the end for better topology.
    dynamesh is considered better topology nowadays?  :'(
  • RacePeaceDay
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    RacePeaceDay polycounter lvl 6
    Polish looks better with square grid than with triangles.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    I love Sculptris pro mode when Im working with something that is organic such as a sculpted tree, or rocks. Some statues even too. It's great to be able to quickly pull out forms and very quickly iterate and make changes to better fit a reference. It's akin to just slamming on more clay without having to dynamesh anything and lose a little quality just move tool and smooth. Makes for a very fast workflow, that being said I have only every used it for that and warm up/ quick sculpts.

    The main issue with it is that it creates the worst kind of poly soup and to get smooth or workable geometry requires you to either go through and use PolyGroupIt and then Zremesh based on groups. If your intention is to just dynamesh it down or zremesh it down and don't need clean forms its amazing. If you need readable and square geo it will not work. 

    This is why I say it is so great for iterations and blockout and maybe a little bit further but as soon as you go through and fix your topology to quads never turn it on again.

    I don't know if he does use Sculptris but Keos Masons did a quick tip on how the remeshing works with polysoup and it is a welcome addition of tools IMO. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oOZYaL

    However, the most recent version of Zbrush I can't get Sculptris Pro to function properly on my machine and quickly becomes bogged down and unusable even with low point counts around 100k. So I don't use it currently but am waiting in eagerness for when that issue is fixed.
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