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[UE4] 1980's Comic Book Shop

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ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
Hello Everyone!

It has been a while since I made a thread on here. But I decided to be more active in 2019!  So for my first Environment in 2019 I decided to do a smaller scene, a Comic Book Shop set in the 1980's. I know its a bit far ahead but I am also adding a small Progress Gif of from when I started it.

I hope your 2019 is going well so far! 



  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Another progress shot, I added some Posters from movies from 1985 and before that I love. I also added Window blinds and adjusted the lighting as well. At the bottom there is a Gif that shows some of the motion in the scene from the ceiling fans and some actual old 1980's videos on the TV on the counter. Let me know what you think!


  • Avenger84
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    Avenger84 polycounter lvl 9
    nice, looking forward to seeing more :)

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Cool so far! For the comic books, will you just be copying cover art, or will you be making the covers yourself?
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Guys!

    @Ashervisalis For now I'm going to try to re-create old comics from the 1980's, or if need be create some from scratch though I don't have the best illustration skills lol  :D
  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
    Cool idea and rly nice start man!
    Looking forward for your updates on the scene!
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Finally started to do a texture pass on some of the Props in the scene!

    A small Zenith Cube Color TV!

    And a TEC MA 230 Cash Register!

    Slowly replacing more assets and starting to texture out most of the Assets I've made already. :)
  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    Really cool idea for an environment and its coming along well :) It might be nice to have some stuff visible on the back walls of the counter, at the moment you just have this large area of white that doesn't look too interesting. You could have some sticky notes with order information or something, maybe a clipboard hanging on a nail with shift information? Small stuff like that will just help to add a bit of interest there. 
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The 80's is coming out strong already!! :o

    I'd suggest just having one cash register? 2 registers in a store that small seems a bit excessive, and I feel downsizing to one would give it more of a quaint comic store feel.
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the tips so far, I'm experimenting with some of the assets I've already made like the Registers, and I agree two does seem abit much and as for the back walls I did add a Large Pinboard on the wall, you can see it on the left side of the first shot, I plan to add things like flyers, ads, photos, etc I really want to make it feel really lived in and personal.
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Guys!

    Here is another update, took some more time to texture some things and add more to the countertop, I also took out the second register. Did passes on the Telephone, VCR, VCR Casettes and a few other things, still tweaking around with the lighting, let me know what you think on it, would love some feedback on my lighting so far!

     I did add the pinboard from before. The plan is to have two boards, one for Ads and community stuff and One for the Business itself. Things are coming along pretty well so far!

  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Added some more assets to the scene. Added a Sony Walkman, some cassettes and some more flyers and sticky notes to add more life into the scene.

    Also added some tweaks to the lighting, added volumetric lighting to enhance the mood. Let me know what you think!

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Looking even better! The signs at the front of the store seem to be glowing a lot. Makes them stand out a little too much. Might be the lighting? The ceiling above/in front of the windows also seems to be a little too bright.

  • idli
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    idli sublime tool
    Very nice, really love this scene; personally I liked the lighting before, not sure if you added the lights or too much bloom in the scene, but I think adding subtle lights around where you need them to show props you want would do better in the end but keeping the overall feel from this image: 

  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you to both @Ashervisalis and @idli ! I've been staring at my lighting for too long an some fresh eyes definitely helped out! You guys and my GF pointed out the shadows from the Blinds are a great aesthetic. I also adjust some more lights all around and started adding some point lights for fill and to help bring up some of the detail.

    I feel like content wise I'm close to finish adding in new assets and also doing a big pass on the comic books with the different covers, placement, etc. But all the feedback has been a big help so far!  :)

  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Added some more assets to the scene; Atari cartridges, a real Antenna, and a Pen and Pencil. Also adjusted the Lighting but fixing some lights as well a LUT color grade.

    LUT preview from Photoshop

    A quick LUT test for the scene.

  • Daniel91
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    Daniel91 triangle
    looking good,

    If your making this as a portfolio piece, once your done, you could recycle a lot of it and tweak it and make an old record shop using a lot of the same assets 
  • JKNori
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    JKNori polycounter lvl 8
    This is looking fantastic mate! The lighting is starting to look really great now

    Though I do think it looks a little bit too perfect. Maybe adding some stains may help bring a little bit more personality to the place (not ridiculous stains, just a little bit of dirt and dust here and there).

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I feel like once it's done, when you're in the post processing stage, if you could add a VCR-like filter effect to the camera, it would really add to the feel of the environment.
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Here is another pass! I finally took the time to bring in a bunch of Comicbook Covers as well as a nice tree outside! I also did another Post Process pass. I also adjusted the Aspect ratio to about 2:1 Wide to make it more Cinematic. I still have some more things to add to make this scene finished!

  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Hey All! 

    Here is another pass, I posted on twitter about asking for some tips and critiques and got a lot of good responses. Firstly I adjusted the lighting and added more volumetrics to the atmosphere. I also added a couple more assets to the scene. Including the Backpack with a tiny patch of everyone's favorite Greentooth :p 

  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Hey All! Here is the latest update to my scene. I changed some thinks around, I wanted to give more character to different areas of the shop, so i dusted off an old Arcade cabinet model I made years ago and Up Res’d It. I also added a nice little plant and some other assets like a record player and speakers to the scene.

    I also made an adjustment to how the scene handles my fog, I made a Volumetric Fog Particle system, that way it could be contained within the shop and not spill out to the outside.

    Let me know what you guys think!

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    It looks great man. Are you still working on it or calling it done?
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    I'm still working on it, There a some assets that still need materials and textures, but I'm very close!

  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Hey all! Been working to tweak everything to a place I am happy with. Here are my final results. I may revisit a few things in a couple months but I am calling it complete for now! Thanks everyone for the feedback :awesome: 

    Ill most likely post some breakdowns some time later. 

    Here is a Link to my Artstation Post (Gif + Video):https://artstn.co/p/k4mR0K

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Man it looks super cool! You achieved a dope 80's vibe. Cool art :)
  • Eric Chadwick
    Wait, no greentooth??

    Looks great man. Would love to see the comics in the stands to not all be so perfectly upright, but that's a minor crit. Kudos on finishing!
  • idli
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    idli sublime tool
    this is gorgeous, agree on the comics, but lighting is OMG! 
  • ILYHugh
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    ILYHugh polycounter lvl 10
    Haha Thanks guys, yeah there somethings I would want to adjust or fix, but after a while you got to call it done sometime! :D

    Also @Eric Chadwick I did put a Greentooth lol

    Very subtle Patch on the backpack!
  • RAWconcrete
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    RAWconcrete polycounter lvl 7
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