Hey y'all! I've been in a mentorship with Ryan Benno and I have a couple sessions left. Here is the environment I've been working on:

This is the original concept. Unfortunately I don't know the artist.

This is what I've got so far. The story is that an alien scout team crashed and have been using the temple as a base while they send a distress beacon.
My main goal is to practice vertex painting using height maps. Clearly its not finished but I'd like any feedback thats possible before I move on to the next project.

The dome has placeholder textures. I still need to finalize the composition as some assets are floating.

Reworked the pillar material. The previous one wasn't selling the idea of stone. It was more washed out. I'm still working on the texture colors to more match the original.
My mentor and I decided to change the spaceship design because the first one was an original concept of mine but it just didn't live up to the quality bar. Here is the new spaceship. Its a design from Everspace and the artist is Tobias Frank!
I still need to play with the background and I'm working on more props to flesh out the scene. Allsuggestions are welcome!