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Jolyne character model

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korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
Made a character out of JOJO part 6, but it still feels kinda stiff...is it because of the shaders that I picked? I've been using subsurface scatter for the skin already? How can I make it better in general? Thank you so much!


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The stifness is mostly coming from the pose.  You're not accentuating the contrapposto of the pose.  Exaggerate the angle differences between the hips and arms.  Right elbow is not deforming properly as well and the right hand feels like it's floating on the thigh instead of pushing into it.

    Shaders need help, especially with the hair.
  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you for the advice!! I made some adjustments after that, what do you think? :D 

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    How are you rendering the skin?  It's reading plastic-y
  • suspectlogic
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    suspectlogic polycounter lvl 13
    That arm is def broken. At that angle the wrist should be turned clockwise so the fingers are facing forward. The pose doesn’t make a lot of sense. I’d suggest you try standing like that. Then adjust the pose to what actually feels comfortable for you.
  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
    How are you rendering the skin?  It's reading plastic-y
    marmoset shader with subscatter surface. Does it have to do with the diffusion settings? thanks again btw

  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
    That arm is def broken. At that angle the wrist should be turned clockwise so the fingers are facing forward. The pose doesn’t make a lot of sense. I’d suggest you try standing like that. Then adjust the pose to what actually feels comfortable for you.

    Thank you for your advice! After striking a pose in front of the mirror I can't believe how uncomfortable it was. 
    What do you think of my pose adjustment? (Apparently I have to repaint the pants texture)

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Looks better.

    Skin albedo needs strong color zones.  Right now just looks like you have no blues or yellows in it.

    You should actually have a subsurface map to drive the SSS.

    Make a transparency map.

    Square tiles on pants are FAR too dense relative to the rest of the character.

    Do you have orthographic cloes ups of the face?
  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
    Looks better.

    Skin albedo needs strong color zones.  Right now just looks like you have no blues or yellows in it.

    You should actually have a subsurface map to drive the SSS.

    Make a transparency map.

    Square tiles on pants are FAR too dense relative to the rest of the character.

    Do you have orthographic cloes ups of the face?

    I added a little more skin complexity, I understand the color distribution of the face skin, but for the body, is there a general guideline about which part should be yellow/red/blue?  (My understandings that yellowish part is usually the "bone-y" part of the skin, red is the warmer, may be muscular part, but which part should be blue? )

    I also added a translucent map but it doesn't seem apparent here because of the lighting i think...

    Thanks again!

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    We need close ups of the face.  Can't tell what's specifically wrong.

    Also, pictures of the sculpt of the head.
  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    1)  Eyes lack the dip inwards when the iris/pupil begins.
    2) The corners of  the lips are not pinching inwards.
    3) The lip line does not look clean.
    4) The eyelash strands are individually too think and looked caked on overall.
    5) Nose anatomy is off.  The middle divide needs to be thicker.
    6) Where is the philtrum?
    7) Where is the cornea?
    8) Looks like she  has  a 5 o clock shadow.  
    9) Where is the nasiolabial  fold?
    10) The brow curvature is off coming from the inside  to outside.
    11) The sternocledoid mastoid muslce is NOT that thick.
    12) Eyelashes  are starting far too far away from their real positions.
    13) I am not believing the pore work.
    13) The hair line terminates unnaturall and lacks breakup, especially  ont he  back of the neck, etc.

    Overall, it's suffering a lot of anatomy issues from the sculpt that will hinder the textures no matter how much is done, but they can be resolved.
  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you so much for the feedback! I went back to resculpt the anatomy and rebaked the textures.
    I do want to keep the eyebrowse curvature cuz I want to keep that expression, or is there a better way to do so?
    Also repainted a new skin tone with new maps on SSS and translucency and fuzz.

    Does it look better? How can I make the skin even better? 


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