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Need advice on modelling some parts of the object [3ds Max]


I'm struggling to model the parts highlighted below:

For the joint (right square) I have to make the shape around the hole flat while keeping the center cylinder smooth but I can't manage to do so without triangles or n-gons. For the indent (left square) I've ran into problem with Turbosmooth as when it is applied, the top part of the indent is kind of being bent outwards thus creating shading issues. I tried adding more geometry to it but then the center edge starts to show up and the "smoothness" is
broken. Wireframe:
After Turbosmooth:

I'm also adding the file below (.max/.fbx):

Any help would be appreciated!


  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    The simple answer is more geo on your base shape. When cutting details into rounded shapes that will be subdivided it's best to start with more segments. It's less 'strain' for the sub-d algorithm.

    I advise checking out the 'how the F do I model this' thread above. These kinds of problems are solved regularly.
  • sacboi
    Offline / Send Message
    sacboi high dynamic range
    Ah...musa beat me too the draw ;)

    ...also the most recent entries posted on that thread's last few pages are chock full of straightforward solutions when applying cuts or insets to a curved surface.
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