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Asking for unpaid test before hiring?

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This discussion was created from comments split from: Rocket Pig Games is looking for creature/miniature artists.


  • Navigator
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    Navigator polycounter lvl 6
    I contacted Wisdom Knight. I believe this is paid work, however he is requesting that the first character be made for free. 
  • LimitedSlipStudios
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    LimitedSlipStudios polycounter lvl 4
    if that’s true, report the OP.  OP is not a new poster- he is aware of both paid and revshare threads.  he knows this is paid only.  

    bad form wisdomknight. 
  • wisdomknight
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    wisdomknight polycounter lvl 11
    wrong, I have people contacting without the any of the listed experience.  And they request if they can give me a sample model to prove that they are qualified for this job.  I WILL NOT hire someone who is NOT qualified.  Hey LimitedSlipStudios bad form accusing people of something before you hear both sides!
  • wisdomknight
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    wisdomknight polycounter lvl 11
    I have so many artists not reading my post and the qualifications and sending me portfolios showing nothing but pretty sculpted models and textured game models with absolutely zero experience in modeling for 3d printing!
  • wisdomknight
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    wisdomknight polycounter lvl 11
    Navigator said:
    I contacted Wisdom Knight. I believe this is paid work, however he is requesting that the first character be made for free. 

    Let me guess you dont have the qualifications and still contacted me for a job?  And you want me to hire you blindly?
  • LimitedSlipStudios
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    LimitedSlipStudios polycounter lvl 4

    you are right- this thread is for filling your work need. but you indicated paid. period. not paid after an unpaid test. 

    so regardless of “why”, you are admitting you asked for free work. I understand the technicality- but it doesn’t change the fact that what Navigator said is truthful. 

    instead of deflecting here, don’t respond to unqualified applicants. just move to the next one until you find one who is. simple as that. 

    best of luck with your project- looks/sounds interesting. 
  • AlexGabriel
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    AlexGabriel polycounter lvl 11
    Navigator said:
    I contacted Wisdom Knight. I believe this is paid work, however he is requesting that the first character be made for free. 

    Let me guess you dont have the qualifications and still contacted me for a job?  And you want me to hire you blindly?

    Hi guys, apologies for butting in, if you'd care to read my take on the matter, unless we're talking about a student or someone trying to improve his or her portfolio, situations where the payment may be redundant since there would be enough benefit in the chance of working on a professional asset, it would only be fair that the person you're considering for the job be remunerated for the test asset.

    Please consider that the person taking the test is investing time in the asset, time which may or may not be lost depending on the success of the test of course. This is why I imagine that a considerate employer would invest at least a small fraction of the budget to offer to the highest potential candidates. I don't mean by this that every employer is able to afford or would be interested in such an approach, but it might be a healthy idea to keep in mind.

    Please understand that by remuneration for a test I don't mean paying the candidate the same amount the employer would pay the usual employees, but maybe a percentage of that, in order to make it worth the effort for everybody taking the test, or at least for the candidates that have the highest potential for landing the job(want an example? how about 25-50% of the actual payment per asset).

    Also, by no means do I encourage taking people blindly on the project, it would only be naive to think that you can hire someone without checking their skills set. I guess the user Navigator may only have wanted to inform us that the project work is paid but the work for the test is not, therefore causing a discrepancy for some who believes paid work includes the test too.

    I am nonetheless convinced that there will be plenty of candidates even if the test is free of charge. I don't understand why Wisdom Night is not ignoring the unqualified ones from the start and just stating out the usual and obvious flood of candidates of varied levels of skill trying to land a job.

    Finally, some food for thought, if for example there are 20 potential candidates for this job, which may work let's say 4 to 8 hours on a test(although I see that the employer is requesting a character be made, so I honestly doubt the test takes only 4-8 hours), I've always wondered how is that quantified in the end. The employer gets 20 assets that can choose from for free and 19 of the participants are just stuck with some test work that they may or may not be able to use.

    Thank you if you took the time to hear me out, I tried to talk from my own experience on the job test matter and just provide everyone with the perspective of the candidate too.

    I wish the best of luck to the employer, may you find the best 3D printing artists out there, my good man. I also wanted to apply to this job but I spared us the wasted time since I don't have 3D printing experience, oh, and I would've probably asked for a paid test. :D
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