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Evil Knight - Sculpt

polycounter lvl 5
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Rhythem02 polycounter lvl 5
Its a study that I started some time ago in preparation to venture into toys and collectibles. 
It took quite a while to finish this as I'm balancing my time with official jobs, life and this. 
I'm glad that its done. I learned so much working on this. I'll turn this to a low poly game art at some point. 
Please scroll below for the turntable and WIPs that I managed to make. 
I hope you like. Thanks. Until then 

**Note The concept art is by Marat Ars. 


This is the first WIP that I posted on various FB groups. While still on blocking phase I tend to develop one area that catches my eye from the concept. For this particular concept its the shoulder piece. Its my way of setting the tone for whole piece.

Second WIP

The face has gone through various revision. In this part I learned that I can't sculpt faces properly unless I sculpt it without the mask. So in the end I made a piece and used it for this project.

Even till the end you'll still find areas that needs attention. For this one its the silhoutte


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