So far I blocked the scene with simple geometry and planned most of my materials. I'll use a mix of custom created textures (like the trim sheets below) and in addition to that textures from Substance Source and the like.

I'm curious where this will take me and how the low-res artwork will translate into a higher resolution. I'll try to be faithful to the reference at the beginning but maybe add some props etc. to the scene if it's turning out to appear too empty.
One thing I'll likely change in the future is the horizontal part below the green wheels in the handrail. The brick texture looks off and noisy somehow.
Didn't add too much to the scene today, but managed to model and texture this pipe:
Today was fun. I tried to recreate that painting on the castle wall which wasn't easy due to the very low resolution of the original. I tried to transform it into a frontal perspective in photoshop, did some painting on top of it and used that as my texture.
And this is how it looks in the scene:
I also did this good ol' dirty trick to hide those hard intersections.
I think this weekend I'll finally start with the buildings on the left!
Another one done, feels good to slowly fill the scene
The next one, the building in the center, will be harder, I think. The original is a bit blurry and there's a lot of detail.
Btw the manhole cover is modeled after the emblem of Lindblum, I thought that would be a nice detail as you can't really recognize the shapes in the original image.
I took a short break from working on this due to a certain cowboy game that came out recently
But all of the main houses are now done + I added some simple foliage and vertex painting. The only thing left now is the background and then I can call this done
Do you mean the picture of the king? Then yes, I pretty much painted over it after transforming it into a rectangle. A few posts above there's a post where I show it.
For modeling I use C4D
Small update with some clouds that I painted in PS and some small tweaks here and there. I think can see the finish line with this piece. Besides the large gate, there aren't many elements missing. Some background towers on the left and maybe a few details here and there.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Also, maybe you already planned to do it, but i think this detail really helps the fort/big city feeling of the piece !
Hey man ,I have an handmade steiner ready to be pulled in unity to have a controller and a lot of animation status for it,let me know if we can combine our skils and do something togheter
Can't wait to see this finished!
I missed the background gate (I think it's a gate) though, suppose you're gonna put there, right?
It's the "old" pipeline. I considered HDRP, but as this is not a super realistic scene, I thought I'd go with the one I'm more used to.
Yes, the gate will be the final piece for the environment! After that I'll try to finish the character, put him in there and call this finished.
I'm just curious, are you using baked lighting ?
I notice the last post has been a while back.
How have you and this amazing project been?
Thank you! Although being right in front of the finish line, I needed to shift my priorities for a bit, so I put this project on hold for now. I plan to finish it though, but can't say when that will be.
Which means that the environment is more or less done!
I kinda hate the Zidane but then again he won't really be the focus of the whole scene anyway so who cares.
Can't wait to see the final scene. Great work!
We're watching!
I think/hope he looks better in the scene and from a distance though.
And thanks!
There's also some DOF to focus more on the foreground. Next thing will be rigging and animation with mixamo and then hooking it all up with my simple character controller.
How did you approach creating the stone stairs?
Here's how I did them. Don't know if this is the best approach for this, but it certainly worked for me.