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First face sculpt question

polycounter lvl 6
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Alkarath polycounter lvl 6
Hello i have a question regarding my sculpt (or rather the workflow of it), this is my very first face sculpt but as you can see its not quite finished.

I have been working on this for approx 200 hours now trying to figure out how to form the human face / head, However after working on it for so long its difficult to keep working on it especially since I know there is still alot to do and my perfectionism keeps me from finishing my project.
I especially struggle with the nasolabial fold and cant seem to get it to look right, I still need to finish the neck, add in the wrinkles, make a low-poly with uv's and then finally texture and adding the pores.
(the idea is for it to be realtime, it does not need to be animation ready but just some good topology for practice)

My question is: is this worth doing?

You see I would like to build up a portfolio but feel like this project would not accurately showcase my skills due to it being, A. my first anatomy sculpt and B. taking me (granted I'd finish it) over 200 hours to make which is just a tad bit too long. On the other side I would guess finishing a project would make me understand how things look with the details added in.
I am struggeling with this alot because it essentially happens all the time when I start on a 3d project, and always feel like my work could be so much better, I want to achieve the expertize of amazing sculptors in one project even though I know (and see) that it's impossible to do so.
I realize skill is attained by practice and since my current workflow never gets anything done I'd figured it was time to ask the people who know what they are doing.

After never ever looking or asking for help I am beginning to realize I do need it, so to synapse my question:

Should i finish this project even if it would take me another 100 hours, finish it quickly without worrying about its quality (near impossible for me to do but I'll try my best if you guys think its the best option), call it done and practice more anatomy, or do you have a completely different idea?

I really need all the feedback I can get, both for the question and regarding the sculpt, where i went wrong and what to improve etc.

Thank you all for the help in advance!

- Luc Zeegers


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Finish it, move on.

    Just sculpts from junior artists tend to lack value in their portfolios.
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    agree with brian, Finish it and then start something else.  Finished but not perfect is better than not finished at all 
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I would just save it as is for comparison with my future projects if I ware you .You are still learning and lacking a lot of knowledge necessary to made a good head sculpt so rather then spending such ridicule amount of time on one head I suggest you break the head in the manageable piece[big forms ,planes ,features ,neck and shoulder ,bones and some muscle, different type of skull/faces] and start learning each individual component , like 10h skull sculpt and 40x2h head block outs will teach you much more then sitting on this one for another 100h
    You can start by using forum build up search box to look for similar projects and reference material or you can look in my profile under reaction there is "number +" if you click on that you can look for all the stuff I have post , check titles that contain skull ,head and likeness , there is a lot of information collect some and start learning
  • Alkarath
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    Alkarath polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you for the replies, i think im going to try and practice some more anatomy but work in smaller projects like carvuliero said. If need be i can always come back to this sculpt to finish it. Working faster is going to be difficult for me, but i think it would yield the most progression in terms of understanding form. I guess its going to be mostly trial and error to find the way I learn best. 
    Thank you all so much for the insight, it helps alot!
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