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Stylised Joker Head Sculpt - Feedback Needed

polycounter lvl 6
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Douthwaite_Simon polycounter lvl 6
Hey Polycount,
I'm doing a stylised Joker head sculpt from Arkham City, in the style of Dishonored 2.
Here's my progress so far, using fibermesh to create the hair.
Before adding any other details, such as wrinkles, is there anything that I could improve on at this stage to fit the art style better?
All feedback is welcome


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do you have a profile view of the face? I want to verify that the curvature of your eye skin is proper. Right now, it's reading flat.
  • Douthwaite_Simon
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    Douthwaite_Simon polycounter lvl 6
    Do you have a profile view of the face? I want to verify that the curvature of your eye skin is proper. Right now, it's reading flat.
    I've edited the post to include a profile view as well
  • ja000ha
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    ja000ha triangle
    The nose feels the most egregious to me. It seems to lack any internal infrastructure. I know it's supposed to be stylized but I would build that out a lot more than where it's at now. Bring some of that structure beneath and around the eye too, as it's currently just kind of floating in the socket in need of a little more surrounding structure.

    I'd also get rid of the crow's feet for now, until you've got your secondary forms down.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range

    You'll notice the particular art direction they've used in Dishonored 2 relies a lot of overemphasizing facial muscle groups and proportionally composing them against each other so it reads well overall.  One must also notice they moved on from the harder planar edges from Dishonored 1.

    Right now, the only thing you seem aware of is using the trimDynamic brush to get hard planes on the face, but I see little in terms of you overemphasizing or being cognizent of the facial muscles that the Joker tends to be pulling in his iconic smile.

    Nasiolabial fold
    Muscles of the forehead
    Orbicularis Oris
    as a couple examples.

    You need to drop down to a smaller subdivision level and really punch in these medium forms.  You've gotten hasty even with the crow's feet on the eyes, where it's not time yet for that.

    This is where it gets hard, but if you methodically take your time, you'll get far better results than just hammering at it.
  • Piffles
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    Piffles polycounter lvl 5
    I think you've got a great blocking down of the general face form. Along with what Panda and ja000ha suggested, remove the wrinkles and focus on building the skin folds and muscle formations. Once you've nailed that down, then go in with more harsher brushes like damstandard and pinch to enhance what you already have built.

    Check out some traditional sculpting videos to see how they build up those forms. I like to review FlippedNormals videos as they come out as they usually have good tips on modeling and sculpting. This video might help you out some https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmB2TnGbnZw
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