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3Ds Max - Changing the viewport navigation - critical?

polycounter lvl 7
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gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
Hello guys,
for my job I need to switch to 3Ds Max and I am used to the Maya navigation. I know this is an old question and I don't ask for the how to. Most of the others threads are about the complete change of the shortcut palette, but I am just asking asking for the viewport navigation. Pan, Rotate and Zoom. I customized just these three values and now everything works likes expected but here is my question now:

In older threads is mentioned, that it isn't so smart to change the navigation, because other tools are based on these buttons - so are these conflicts caused by just this little change, or when I change the complete shortcut set?

Obviously the second option will cause a lot of trouble, but whats about this little change? Just for reference here are the actions:

Arc Rotate - Alt +LMB
Pan View - Alt + MMB
Zoom - Alt + RMB

Thanks for your time and help!


  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator
    This would belong on the Ideas page, unless you're asking how to map these shortcuts to max default ones using AutoHotkey.
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    Why is this an idea?
    I changed the viewport settings to the Maya default - the question is: are these new shortcuts influencing other tasks?
  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator
    Oh right, I skimmed the post too fast and thought you propose conflictless shortcuts, my bad. The remaining conflicts here are for example deselecting (alt+LMB) or push/pull switching with brushes (alt+LMB).
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    Okay, thanks. The deselecting part is pretty critical :/
    I can totally live without push/pull, but not beeing able to deselect something is bad.

    I wonder, why Autodesk did it that way and not with just a single 're-click'. Anyway - thanks for your help!

    Then I really have to get used to the new navigation - rest in peace index finger :disappointed:
  • gandhics
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    gandhics polycounter lvl 8
    Hehe ,at least your left hand can take some rest.
    You dont need to use left hand that much.
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    Yep - my left hand is happy D:

    ...but maybe it's worth to switch to my graphic tablet for this. Actually I don't like to model with it, but maybe I can get some kind of zbrush navigation I am used, too. I hope the wacom settings can 'emulate' this ^^
  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator

    I wonder, why Autodesk did it that way and not with just a single 're-click'.
    It kinda used to be that way long time ago (at least with ctrl, could be used to both add and remove from selection) but it was confusing in a way and resulted in accidentally deselecting when you wanted to add to selection and I have to say that once deprecated, it made more sense (though it took some time to get used to it). There's also shift-select to invert current selection but at times it conflicts with shift-triggered loop/partial-loop selection.
  • coven
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    coven polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah there are a few areas that become interfered with when using the Maya navigation. One that I can think of off the top of my head is the animation quad menu (alt+r-click) which I can't live without. I would recommend voting on the ideas page found here. The more support the better.
  • SergioSantos
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    SergioSantos polycounter lvl 13
    Worst thing you can do in Max is trying to make it work like Maya.
    Don't use Maya navigation in Max,
    first learn its navigation and shortcuts, when you already have experience with the software then you can start customizing it.

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