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WIP - Likeness study - Critique needed

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MAXzett null
Hey guys, my first post here. So it's been a while since I sculpted something and i wanted to get back into it, so I decided to do some likeness study. And so far I find the sculpt quite challenging (which is good although annoyingly difficult as hell).
The reference is a model (instagram and such) Lydia Graham. I didn't want to go for someone famous just yet, since i don't feel confident enough, but still someone whose face has been taken from a lot of different angles.

The part that gives me the most trouble so far has been her cheekbones, which always seem to change from different angles, as well as her slightly open mouth.
My end goal so far is not hyper realistic study with all surface deformations and all that, but rather a more "classical" kind of sculpt in the style of James Cain, like in this piece.

So please any critique is greatly appreciated.


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Generally speaking things are moving along quite well here. But there is one area that could have some immediate improvement:

    You've created shapes in your mesh which simply don't exist in the reference, this is the shot where it's most apparent, but it's definitely something that exists in all the shots you posted. You need to flatten down the bulge (look at the silhouette on the opposite side of the face, where you've got a bulge and she's mostly flat). This actually continues along the lip-line too, where she has a slight protrusion and your model cuts back.

    You would also do well to soften the transition from the lower eyelid into the cheek.
  • Skinner3D
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    Skinner3D polycounter lvl 5
    The sides of her nose turn down and are less defined than you have them. 'You can see it really well in the 3rd and 4th sets of photos that you posted.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Check again : Proportions->looks like eye and mouth are widen and their relation is bigger , zygomatic arch volume also transition your is ~90 degree corner instead you should have at least one transition plane front to side ,nose wing is probably the biggest difference for reference model her point downward diagonally and bottom margin is s-curve  , upper lip to base of nose angle nasal bone to brow angle nasal bone to cartilage transition  , eye placement in relation to nose ,infraorbital triangle. chin and masseter ,nasolabial fold , frontal eminence, bottom lip is thicker , nose thickness ,neck thickness ,fat/skin above/below eyelids

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