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Learning High to Low Modeling method

polycounter lvl 3
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KeirKieran polycounter lvl 3
I got my degree when ZBrush was this new thing that I'd seen online this one time. Since then, my career has been... pretty solitary and limited and my skills are pretty stunted. 

I want to get out of this rut and learn the new methods and I know I need to learn a sculpting program and how to use it to generate low poly models with high poly normal maps. Even in WoW, the low-poly-hand-painted method now includes ZBrush.

But there are soooo many resources, I don't know where to start. Every time I think I have one, it's 7 years old and likely utterly out of date. I really miss the days in school, where I just showed up and someone taught me stuff. lol 

Does anyone have tuts or online courses they suggest for picking up ZBrush and using it with Maya or Max for games? My focus is on assets and environments, if that helps.


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