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[ RIOT CREATIVE CONTEST 2017 ] Character Art - Shyvana the Half Dragon

polycounter lvl 3
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Gengar1991 polycounter lvl 3
Hello everyone! My name is Chu Viet Anh. I am a 3D generalist from Vietnam. League is one of my favorite game though I suck pretty badly LOL. To me Shyvana is one of the most bad ass gal in the game, so I took this opportunity to make her a skin, also to challenge myself to do a full 3D character art. I don't think I would have the time to do her in both human and dragon form, so I would solely focus on her human form. 
Here is my mood board and some initial concept ideas. I will chose one and develop an in depth version with some color placements. Hope you guys like it !


initial ideas


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