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Bad alignement Uv 3dsmax

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Upeaval null
Hello, I have a concern for alignment with my Uv, I hope to make a character like minecrat with texture very pixelated, so I need a really clean uv, but I can not see a UV sufficiently accurate to put my texture, look for yourself, I made a render Uv Template of 1024/1024, which I use in photoshop to make my texture, and when I reintroduce it in 3dsmax it is not well aligned, which gives a black band, how can I do to solve this problem? it's still two days that I'm looking for a solution, I go crazy was stuck on a problem as stupid ! thank you very much ! ( sorry for my english ^^ )

image 1 = uv snap line on the grid with the texture (the texture is shifted compared to the UV)
image 2 = Uv snap line on the grid without texture ( its perfect )
image 3 = with final texture ( I just painted on photoshop without going over the lines )
image 4 = global view of Uv
image 5 = view in unreal engine 4 with Uv decalling


  • Eric Chadwick
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    What size is your grid?

    What size textures do you plan to use for the final art? Make a test texture at your intended size, and UV that.
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    If you want to be that precise, don't snap your UV to the grid but snap it to pixel instead (default snap setting set to grid snap). But as like what Eric said, create a temp texture with intended size, load that to the UV editor then only you can use the pixel snap (without texture loaded and displayed, you cant use the pixel snap).
  • Upeaval
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    Upeaval null
    my grid is set to 0.005 and my texture is 200x200 (1/200), but THANK you for the trick of the snap to pixel, I did not know and it works perfectly! thank you very much !
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