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Texture Color Changing from Mudbox to Photoshop

polycounter lvl 3
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Patrick_McAllister polycounter lvl 3
I am working in Mudbox 2017 on some concrete walls and I have noticed that when I export them out of Mudbox and then opening them up in Photoshop the colors/values are different.

When right clicking the Diffuse channel layer in Mudbox I am selecting the Export Channel to PSD option  or I am selecting the Export Channel Merged option  

Also is there an option in Mudbox to turn off the frame that appears around the image when I open it in Photoshop? I have noticed that when I paint textures on a model that I bring over from 3DS Max and then export them to Photoshop I don't have that frame around them.

The first image is a screen capture from Mudbox and the second image is from the Photoshop file.

Thanks as always for all the help!

- Patrick


  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    looks like you used the default plane in mudbox to texture. the uv border of the default plane doesnt extend to the Grid border. Thats why you are seeing that border. Also the color looks different because inside mudbox you are viewing it with shading, not flat color. Go to DIsplay> Flat Lighting 

    I suggest importing a plane create from Maya/Max 
  • Patrick_McAllister
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    Patrick_McAllister polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the info. I had imported a plane from max before and noticed that I didn't get the border but I was unsure as to why. Never thought that it was a UV problem. The strange thing is that I don't remember seeing the boarder when using the "tile plane" option.   And as far as the color goes thanks a bunch on that. So I guess I want to keep flat lighting off when I am sculpting my geometry and keep flat lighting on when I am painting the textures. 
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    Np. the tile plane has different uvs than the default plane. Tileplane has uv border flushed to the grid, whereas default plane has gap, hence the border.
  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    Also always remember to check your compression. Sometimes i get difference in normal maps or diffuse maps when i import them as png, so try to work with bmp or targa
  • Patrick_McAllister
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    Patrick_McAllister polycounter lvl 3
    @Larry Yeah when I export out of Mudbox I usually use targas. But the other day one of my normal maps that I extracted in Mudbox was really bad looking. I will check that compression when I get back to it.

    Thanks again 
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