I am working in Mudbox 2017 on some concrete walls and I have noticed that when I export them out of Mudbox and then opening them up in Photoshop the colors/values are different.
When right clicking the Diffuse channel layer in Mudbox I am selecting the Export Channel to PSD option or I am selecting the Export Channel Merged option
Also is there an option in Mudbox to turn off the frame that appears around the image when I open it in Photoshop? I have noticed that when I paint textures on a model that I bring over from 3DS Max and then export them to Photoshop I don't have that frame around them.
The first image is a screen capture from Mudbox and the second image is from the Photoshop file.

Thanks as always for all the help!
- Patrick
I suggest importing a plane create from Maya/Max
Thanks again