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Hey the lost guardian


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The dust is all over the place.  You're gonna want to put more care on where it is; it just looks like you ran a generator on it.
  • Simocate1
    Offline / Send Message
    Simocate1 node
    The dust is all over the place.  You're gonna want to put more care on where it is; it just looks like you ran a generator on it.
    What? You mean the dust on the armor or on the mantle? I did not put the description.. she is like a warrior in a post apocaliptic word..! But, please try to be more clear, I didn't understand a lot what u mean! 
  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    I think what Brian means is the splatters. But in general the colour scheme and the design of the costume fragment the figure. For me the model doesnt 'hang together', or rather it is confusing to look at. Mostly a design has a theme complete with accents. To me the model seems to be made up of accents. This goes for the forms as well as the pallet

    Well done on completing the figure though.

  • Simocate1
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    Simocate1 node
    kanga said:
    I think what Brian means is the splatters. But in general the colour scheme and the design of the costume fragment the figure. For me the model doesnt 'hang together', or rather it is confusing to look at. Mostly a design has a theme complete with accents. To me the model seems to be made up of accents. This goes for the forms as well as the pallet

    Well done on completing the figure though.

    Thanks mate for your sincerity! This was a project done during Gilberto's magno Workshop! I tried to follow my own concept, and this is the results! This is my first low poly game ready character, im really proud for being the first.. :)  Next time i hope to maybe, follow a concept trying to don't do the mistakes that u told to me! :) Btw, thanks again for your advices,  are really important. 

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