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Is it possible for a combined mesh to be broken apart for explosions, collisions etc?

polycounter lvl 2
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SummonedSpirit polycounter lvl 2
Title says it all,

I'm curious how should I go about developing an object which will be destroyed. In this case its a boat. Am I going to model the boat as a single polygon or do I need to create separate objects and put them together (combine polygons?) so they can be broken away


  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN interpolator
    The answer to your question is yes. But, you should model the boat as is in real life, if has separated pieces make them separated, don`t weld them together if they are not in real life.
    It`s easier to destroy separated pieces because you can have wood and steel in the same mesh and if the pieces are combined then when you destroy them using rayfire or whatever, you need to make the destroy accordingly, because wood is destroying in a way and metal or plastic in another way.
    I hope you understand what i`m trying to say.
  • SummonedSpirit
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    SummonedSpirit polycounter lvl 2
    Ah I understand so if the seats are metal and the boat is wooden the metal seats should be seperate and not a combined mesh. So while the boat itself is a group that combines the wooden boat and its metal seats. These aren't actually binded together as 1 polygon or the combine polygon option. If I understand it right.
  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN interpolator
    Yes, are these destroys for games or movies? What program or tool do you want to use for destroying the boat?
  • SummonedSpirit
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    SummonedSpirit polycounter lvl 2
    I actually haven't decided yet I just want to create a nice scene by the bay but I'm debating if I want to render with maya mental ray or with unreal engine 4
  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN interpolator
    Ok then, just to be clear, try to make your destroys based on what is what, metal, wood etc, because when you destroy a wood piece isn`t breaking like glass. Have fun and post your progress.
  • SummonedSpirit
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    SummonedSpirit polycounter lvl 2
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