Hey Polycounters! I'll be starting my next environment very soon. Here are the concept Images and some quick notes calling out the props/materials by text. Artwork by
Evgeniy Musienko.

Notes: Last Image is just inspiration for more prop ideas. All art is by
Evgeniy Musienko.

Going to follow this up by modelling more of the smaller props before vertex painting and placing decals to breakup the scene.
Lighting/Atmosphere is awesome, kinda reminds me of Until Dawn.
Will post more when i can.
Looking forward to see more
Only critiques I can throw in there right now is probably more on the presentation side from your last screenshot... seems a little overly sharpened and comes across a little noisy on a lot of your dense textures e.g. ropes, wood, etc... and that the cloth on the bed seems a little low-poly with all the sharp triangular segments in there but that's really just knit picking... your substances are picking up really well, really feeling that glisten off the floor from this angle (Y)
Keep it up!
@KidintheDark Yeah things are still in progress and I did sharpen the fuck out of the image in Photoshop haha. UE4 ran REALLY slow for me when I increased the temporal AA over 100. Not sure how to get the high-res screenshot to render the temporal AA settings while not in gameplay.
As for the Masks on your webs, are you using a single color/alpha channel? Or a a white mask using RGB? If you aren't using an all white mask I would suggest doing so!
make your spider web maps a png texture. We currently do it in Unity.
if using tga maps be sure to put the alpha in the rgb channels and save as a 32 bit. 24 bit will remove the alpha.
If all else fails, using 8 bit alphas can help resolve issues because its either black or white, no greyscale. But alphas can look more old school as 8 bit.
I love what you did with breaking down the concept and defining the pieces that needed to be done as well.
I struggle with that myself, I tend to dive straight in so thanks for inspiring me to do this as well!
But seriously man, loving the work you do, loving the color contrast, keep it up!