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Constraint Not Completed - 3ds Max

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z0mbie vertex
Hi guys, so I've been following the Introduction to Character Rigging in 3ds Max from Digital Tutors and I've run into a bit of trouble.  

For some reason it's no longer allowing me to constrain anything to anything - I even tried going back to previous bones/helpers that I had constrained before and this message still comes up.  I've searched these forums and googled the problem but not having any luck.

Any ideas why this has happened?  I don't think I've done anything differently to the tutorial, unless I've leant on the keyboard and hit a hotkey that is preventing this from happening.

Many thanks!

- JB


  • Mark Dygert
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    It is probably already constrained or has the wrong type of controller assigned to it to accept a new constraint. 

    If you go into the animation tab > Assign Controllers Rollout
    Click Position in the list and then click the Assign Controller button (above the list)
    Select "Position XYZ" which will set it back to the default controller type.
    If it's set to anything else you probably can't constrain it.

    Do the same for, Rotation (Euler XYZ) and Scale (Bezier Scale), if you need to.
  • z0mbie
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    z0mbie vertex
    That worked perfectly, thank you!  :)
  • z0mbie
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    z0mbie vertex
    Hi, me again.  For some reason it's done it again..  

    I followed your previous advice and it hasn't changed anything.  Am I doing it wrong?

    Did the Assign Controller thing on the right and changed it from the default to something else and back again, but this hasn't made a difference.

    Many thanks!

    - JB
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    "Constraint Not Completed" is the generic fail message for AssignConstraintSelection() in controllerfunctions.ms. (It's in the 3ds Max install folder.) If you are comfortable with script you can modify the function to output more debug information.

    If not maybe you can share your file so we can dig into it.
  • z0mbie
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    z0mbie vertex
    Me and script don't always see eye to eye.  I think it's a language barrier, or something.

    I'd be happy to share the file, although I'm not sure how I'd go about doing that.  The Attach Image/file won't allow 3ds Max files.
  • Mark Dygert
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    You'll have to upload it somewhere, probably Dropbox(my personal favorite), google drive, skydrive or mediaFire and then post a link.
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