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How to PAINT STRAIGHT? strokes? "Object Paint"mode 3dsMax

polycounter lvl 3
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minus0 polycounter lvl 3
How can i paint STRAIGHT strokes? while Object Painting in 3dsmax? in Painter12 i use SHIFT in order to paint straight (strokes,lines). Is there a way to do this in 3ds max?
My problem is: When i ObjectPaint in 3dsmax, the "paint" objects are overlapping very often no matter if i use a graphic pencil or a good mouse. Its like painting over your paint that you are already...painted.(i can avoid it by loosing a lot of time)
I want to paint a surface that is not flat, and when i ObjectPaint this surface, the "paint" which is a small 3d object also, is touching each other, overlapping. I have adjusted the settings but i tend to repaint on other paths that are already painted. My hand is not perfect. Is there any solution to "paint" a nonflat surface without overpaint the surface? (i have tried "place to surface" method without success, i also tried some scripts, no luck)


  • Eric Chadwick
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    Have you tried putting a regular old ruler on your tablet? It sounds dumb but it works. (Unless I'm misunderstanding the question)
  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    # The Object i use to paint with, is a Hedra(octa) and so far i lose big time undoing&redoing paint strokes because either i get unpainted portions, either i repaint twice resulting the intersection of the objects(hedras). i can make straight movements with the mouse, but i cant always make perfect horizontal movements; therefore i get empty spaces between the "paint", or worst...i repaint on previous path resulting in intersection of the hedras(objects).
    The surface i want to paint is not a Flat Plane or box.
    You both understood my problem. I am surprised that 3dsmax "doesnt know" to "move" the mouse cursor on a straight axis.(i'm not talking about creating a shape like a straight line, as you both clearly understood, i am talking about moving the cursor inside max 3d world, on a straight defined axis,user defined.)

    You've understood correctly my problem.
    And i already tried the old ruler method on my Wacom tablet. I didn't mention it in my first post because i thought it sounds dumb and i didn't want to make myself look silly. It takes too much time to adjust the position of the ruler(pencil-mouse point)on top the tablet so it can correspond with the right coordinate on the screen,to paint the "next row"(the next line). I will try to attach an image with my problem. I didn't know that 3dsmax cant paint straight when i am in ObjectPaint mode. Thank you for the reply and for the idea anyway. If you have another idea, please, share it, no matter how crazy it sounds.

    #Eric Chadwick:
    So far i have tried ScriptedGlue v0.9 and MoveToSurface Freescript from scriptspot website with no luck. I will try the FixIntersections script. I cannot afford the Automodeller-pro(i will try the limited demo), as for the Physx-painter, it seems to be proper tool for every 3d artist who use 3dsmax. Thank you for the reply and for the links.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Why paint these at all? I would use the Array tool to duplicate these, because it seems they need to line up exactly.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    If you have access to Zbrush you could populate the entire surface with nanomesh. As Eric suggested, exploring other options would make more sense. Object paint isn't ideal for this.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    I guess the ruler trick is a little easier on a tablet monitor.
  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    Indeed, the ruler method sounds viable if you have a Cintiq. Unfortunately i dont own one.
    I have installed automodeller pro but it doesnt "paint". I cant select the source object, the button is inactive, they mentioned it before:most of the functions are not available in the demo version.
    I also tried the Array method. I have multiplicated the Hedra, so i got an area with thousands of Hedra's but when i try to Place the objects onto the main base object(editable poly), 3dsmax stop responding. Maybe is something wrong with the 3dsmax. I am patient, so i tried again with less objects, the result isnt a good one. Only a few Hedras are touching the main base object, the rest just floats as a flat plane. i also tried the align method, no luck, same ugly unwanted results.
    I dont want to become annoying, i just asked if it is possible to "paint straight" because i couldnt find any easier solution(i cant afford scripts). I appreciate all your replies, thank you all for trying to help me. I dont prefer to object-paint, it seemed a bit easier at the moment.
    Soon i will be able to use Zbrush and try the nanomesh surface population method. It sounds complicated.
    Once again thank you all for trying to help me.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Did you try SlideKnit?
  • SpaceRogue
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    SpaceRogue polycounter lvl 3
    I have never used it but what about this 

  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    I knew i forgot something, yesterday i've downloaded the "scene" file instead of the script file. i was in a hurry. Now i've downloaded the correct file and i will transfer it so i can try it.(the "workstation" is not connected to the www so thats why the time gap). Thank you.
    I also will try this "PopulatePanel" as soon as they let me download it; they request me to create an dropbox account, i dont know why but it seems i cannot download the product if i dont create the account. From the description of the product i understand that it is useful for what i want.
    Thank you for the link.
    I will be back to post the result, i hope it will be a positive "green light" success ...ending.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Populate is still in beta and has a few issues but definitely worth trying. Slide knit is excellent. Workflow might seem a bit strange at first but it's very powerful.

    And if you do get to try Zbrush, here's a tutorial from my YT channel showing how to create tiling geometry patterns in Max and use them in Zbrush's Nanomesh:

  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    thank you for the info&link, i bookmarked it. i will need it.
    I tested PopulatePanels with different forms of objects as a base object. The results were "ok" but the application froze, as you can see in the attach. same thing happens with the SlideKnit that Eric recommended me. At least i tried. Thank you all.

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