How can i paint STRAIGHT strokes? while Object Painting in 3dsmax? in Painter12 i use SHIFT in order to paint straight (strokes,lines). Is there a way to do this in 3ds max?
My problem is: When i ObjectPaint in 3dsmax, the "paint" objects are overlapping very often no matter if i use a graphic pencil or a good mouse. Its like painting over your paint that you are already...painted.(i can avoid it by loosing a lot of time)
I want to paint a surface that is not flat, and when i ObjectPaint this surface, the "paint" which is a small 3d object also, is touching each other, overlapping. I have adjusted the settings but i tend to repaint on other paths that are already painted. My hand is not perfect. Is there any solution to "paint" a nonflat surface without overpaint the surface? (i have tried "place to surface" method without success, i also tried some scripts, no luck)
Another one
A fairly expensive, but amazing one
The surface i want to paint is not a Flat Plane or box.
You both understood my problem. I am surprised that 3dsmax "doesnt know" to "move" the mouse cursor on a straight axis.(i'm not talking about creating a shape like a straight line, as you both clearly understood, i am talking about moving the cursor inside max 3d world, on a straight defined axis,user defined.)
You've understood correctly my problem.
And i already tried the old ruler method on my Wacom tablet. I didn't mention it in my first post because i thought it sounds dumb and i didn't want to make myself look silly. It takes too much time to adjust the position of the ruler(pencil-mouse point)on top the tablet so it can correspond with the right coordinate on the screen,to paint the "next row"(the next line). I will try to attach an image with my problem. I didn't know that 3dsmax cant paint straight when i am in ObjectPaint mode. Thank you for the reply and for the idea anyway. If you have another idea, please, share it, no matter how crazy it sounds.
#Eric Chadwick:
So far i have tried ScriptedGlue v0.9 and MoveToSurface Freescript from scriptspot website with no luck. I will try the FixIntersections script. I cannot afford the Automodeller-pro(i will try the limited demo), as for the Physx-painter, it seems to be proper tool for every 3d artist who use 3dsmax. Thank you for the reply and for the links.
I have installed automodeller pro but it doesnt "paint". I cant select the source object, the button is inactive, they mentioned it before:most of the functions are not available in the demo version.
I also tried the Array method. I have multiplicated the Hedra, so i got an area with thousands of Hedra's but when i try to Place the objects onto the main base object(editable poly), 3dsmax stop responding. Maybe is something wrong with the 3dsmax. I am patient, so i tried again with less objects, the result isnt a good one. Only a few Hedras are touching the main base object, the rest just floats as a flat plane. i also tried the align method, no luck, same ugly unwanted results.
I dont want to become annoying, i just asked if it is possible to "paint straight" because i couldnt find any easier solution(i cant afford scripts). I appreciate all your replies, thank you all for trying to help me. I dont prefer to object-paint, it seemed a bit easier at the moment.
Soon i will be able to use Zbrush and try the nanomesh surface population method. It sounds complicated.
Once again thank you all for trying to help me.
I knew i forgot something, yesterday i've downloaded the "scene" file instead of the script file. i was in a hurry. Now i've downloaded the correct file and i will transfer it so i can try it.(the "workstation" is not connected to the www so thats why the time gap). Thank you.
I also will try this "PopulatePanel" as soon as they let me download it; they request me to create an dropbox account, i dont know why but it seems i cannot download the product if i dont create the account. From the description of the product i understand that it is useful for what i want.
Thank you for the link.
I will be back to post the result, i hope it will be a positive "green light" success ...ending.
And if you do get to try Zbrush, here's a tutorial from my YT channel showing how to create tiling geometry patterns in Max and use them in Zbrush's Nanomesh:
thank you for the info&link, i bookmarked it. i will need it.
I tested PopulatePanels with different forms of objects as a base object. The results were "ok" but the application froze, as you can see in the attach. same thing happens with the SlideKnit that Eric recommended me. At least i tried. Thank you all.