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ZBrush - I have a question about the topology brush

polycounter lvl 4
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jonimax polycounter lvl 4


  • jonimax
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    jonimax polycounter lvl 4
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Not a clue, I'd recommend using something like topogun for retopo in the future, I've always found zbrush clunky for it.
  • Tetranome
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    Tetranome polycounter lvl 6
    Do you have any backups? Looks like a bug.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    check your zbrush autosaves if you dont have a manual backup.  but in general this is a good example to never have 100% of your stuff in one file, I always save out OBJs every now and then. and IF I do my retop in zbrush I try to split it up into several subtools, so if anything like this happends you only loose a part of the model, like the arms or legs or something. also, the topology brush is horrible, use the classic zpheres retop tools if you wanna do it in zbrush.

    but yeha, zbrush is not really a perfect retop tool anyway.
  • braintrain
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    braintrain polycounter lvl 7
    I had this issues a couple of times. That´s why I stopped using ZBrush for retopo...
    Unfortunetly I can´t really remember what I did to solve this. If pressing alt and then click+ dragging on the point or one of the edges doesn´t rermove it I´d recommend you to turn the topology lines into a mesh end remove the vert in another 3D software.
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