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Answered: New to Quixel Suite, question about uv seams

Hi there,

Im quite new to uv unwrapping and texturing with Quixel Suite. So i've been searching various forums on how to get rid of uv seams. I followed this thread http://polycount.com/discussion/140413/quixel-suite-and-seams which mentions something called "Seam termination", i can't find this, and maybe it's an old feature that was refactored into something different. However, since at this point, im mainly doing some rocks, i sometimes find it hard to place seams where they're not noticable. This ofcourse depends on the rock model, but nevertheless im looking for every trick there is to learn, in order to make seams as invisible as possible. What are my options?


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Jonas!

    The best method to eliminate seams right now is to utilize the color paint feature in 3DO to paint over seams by mimicking the colors near the seam you're attempting to remove. Try sampling the colors near the seam and paint them in randomly to match the texture being used in DDO. A future update will introduce triplanar projection, so this step will eventually become redundant. :)

    Another method is to use a duplicate of the material causing the seam, and set the scale to +1 or -1, potentially even -2. Eliminate the mask in DynaMask by setting it to black, and then randomly paint in 3DO to reduce or outright eliminate the seam.
  • jonas_molgaard
    Ok, i heard the term triplanar projection a few times when browsing forums, and from what i read, it should be a very nice addition to the Quixel Suite tools. I look forward to that.

    About the two other techniques.
    1) The painting randomly over seams, didn't do much for me unfortunately. I might have to experiment a bit more, but my feeble attemts was a failure. It still was way too visible to expose on an open surface
    2) About using a dublicate material with two different scales, sounds like something i should definetely try experiment with. So i set the "top" material mask to black and then paint grey/white on top of it to let the "bottom" material to bleed through, is that the idea? Or am i misunderstanding?
  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter

    The "top" mask would be the one you'd set to black and paint in 3DO to remove seams, kind of like a clone brush in a sense. :) We can sit down in the Quixel Hangout sometime if you'd like to see this technique in action!
  • jonas_molgaard
    Thanks for the help, i'll give it a go first and then i might take you up on that demonstration :)
  • jonas_molgaard
    ok, i've now tried several times and either i have wrong expetations or im doing something wrong still... so a screensharing session might be in place. You think we could do this on my example rock via Skype, or do you prefer to do this on something you have setup using that Quixel Hangout stuff? Never tried that before.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hangout would work easier!

    When would be a good time for you? I assume you're in Sweden (based on your username) - I'm the only Swedish guy in Quixel that lives in Florida, so I'd be six hours behind you. I won't be available until Sunday evening EST.
  • jonas_molgaard
    Im actually from Denmark, but it's close by. I have to get up early monday, but lets see if we can coordinate a time where we're both up and available. When you say Sunday evening EST, it's European Standard Time i guess (not so good with these timezones), so lets say im available around 21:00 danish time, is that gonna work for you?
  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    EST would be Eastern Standard Time, also known as New York time. :)

    21:00 in DK would be 15:00 EST. I won't be back from my mini-vacation until closer to 18:00 EST, which would literally be Monday for you. :(

    I should be open and available next weekend, or anytime late evening during the week.
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